Mastering WWE 2K24 Submission Sliders

Unleash your potential in WWE 2K24 matches with advanced submission slider settings.
Mastering WWE 2K24 Submission Sliders


  • Customize gameplay options for a tailored experience
  • Unlock the secrets of submission sliders in WWE 2K24
  • Gain an edge over AI opponents with strategic slider adjustments

WWE 2K24 introduces a range of sliders and options to tweak match difficulty and dynamics. These sliders play a crucial role in customizing match length and intensity, capturing the essence of sports entertainment. However, understanding and optimizing these sliders can be a challenging task without some guidance.

This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of the submission system in WWE 2K24, empowering you to fine-tune the challenge level and enhance your submission skills.

Customizing Gameplay Options in WWE 2K24

Prior to exploring submission sliders, it's essential to decide between mashing buttons or holding down the prompted button as either the attacker or defender. This setting offers accessibility without compromising the gameplay in WWE 2K24. Follow these steps to personalize the submission settings:

  • Access the Options menu.
  • Navigate to the Gameplay screen.
  • Locate the Allow Held Input For Mini-Games option and toggle it as desired.
  • Save your changes.

Decoding Submission Sliders in WWE 2K24

The submission sliders in WWE 2K24 offer a strategic advantage when facing challenging AI opponents. These sliders allow you to fine-tune various aspects of the submission system for a more balanced gameplay experience. Here's what each slider controls:

  • Attacker Cancel Threshold (Player) - Sets a time limit for canceling submissions, providing more control to the attacker.
  • Attacker Button Press Strength (Player) - Adjusts the strength of the attacker's submission attempts.
  • Attacker Wrong Button Press Strength (Player) - Determines the penalty for incorrect button presses by the attacker.
  • Defender Button Press Strength (Player) - Influences the difficulty of breaking out of submission holds as the defender.
  • Defender Wrong Button Press Penalty (Player) - Affects the penalty for mistimed button presses by the defender.
  • Attacker Button Press Strength (AI) - Controls the strength of submission attacks by the AI opponent.
  • Attacker Wrong Button Press Strength (AI) - Regulates the penalty for incorrect button presses by the AI.
  • Defender Button Press Strength (AI) - Determines the challenge of submitting the AI-controlled opponent.
  • Defender Wrong Button Press Penalty (AI) - Sets the penalty for mistimed button presses by the AI opponent.

By mastering these submission sliders in WWE 2K24, you can elevate your gameplay and tackle submission specialists with confidence.