Mastering Weight Classes in No Rest for the Wicked

Understanding the significance of weight classes in the game to enhance your gameplay experience.
Mastering Weight Classes in No Rest for the Wicked


  • Explore the impact of weight classes on your gaming experience
  • Learn about the three distinct weight classes and their characteristics
  • Understand how weight classes function based on your equipped gear

Embark on an adventure in No Rest for the Wicked, where every move you make leads to new challenges. Developers have meticulously crafted the game to captivate players with its immersive features. Among these features, Weight Classes stand out as a key addition that influences gameplay dynamics.

Similar to the real world, where the burden of weight affects mobility, No Rest for the Wicked mirrors this reality. Whether you opt for agility in navigation or prioritize strength in combat scenarios, adjusting your weight class can tailor your gaming style. Dive into this comprehensive guide to unravel the intricacies of weight classes.

Decoding Weight Classes in No Rest for the Wicked

Weight classes wield a significant impact on your gameplay within the game. The game features three distinct weight classes determined by the type of armor your character adorns.

Lightweight Class

The Lightweight Class emphasizes swiftness and agility, offering the fastest dodge roll in the game. Ideal for players who prefer agile and rapid movements during combat, this class enables quick evasions and swift counterattacks. While not as defensive or potent as other classes, its agility allows for seamless execution of combos and devastating blows.

Normal Weight Class

The Normal Weight Class strikes a balance between offense and defense, catering to players seeking a blend of speed and protection. Players in this class can swiftly maneuver to dodge incoming attacks while maintaining a solid defense. This equilibrium between offensive and defensive capabilities appeals to a broad spectrum of players.

Heavy Weight Class

The Heavy Weight Class prioritizes brute force and resilience. Players in this class boast exceptional endurance, courtesy of their robust armor and formidable weaponry. However, their slower movement speed translates to a reduced attack rate, making it less suitable for players favoring agility over sheer power.

Unraveling the Mechanism of Weight Classes

In No Rest for the Wicked, your Weight Class hinges on the gear you equip. The weight of your gear dictates your Weight Class; heavier gear elevates it, while lighter gear lowers it. Notably, only the currently equipped gear impacts your Weight Class, disregarding items stored in your inventory.