Mastering Weapon Swapping in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Discover the efficient Quick Swap mechanic that streamlines weapon changes in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
Mastering Weapon Swapping in Mass Effect Legendary Edition


  • Quick Swap allows rapid switching between two weapons in combat scenarios.
  • Learn the specific controls for Quick Swap on Xbox, PlayStation, and keyboard.
  • Find out how to customize the weapons assigned to Quick Swap for optimal gameplay.

Released in 2021, Mass Effect Legendary Edition welcomed back old fans and enticed new players with enhanced graphics and gameplay, reigniting the love for this captivating game. While the storyline of Mass Effect holds a special place in the hearts of fans, its gameplay mechanics are equally engaging.

Immersing oneself in the game's lore and characters is crucial, but mastering weapon handling is essential for excelling in combat within Mass Effect Legendary Edition. This guide focuses on Quick Swap, a convenient feature that enables players to swiftly transition between two weapons.

Efficient Weapon Swapping Technique

In Mass Effect, players encounter two primary wheels: the Weapon Wheel and the Power Wheel. While powers and ammo types can be assigned to specific keys or buttons, weapon selection necessitates the use of Quick Swap.

Quick Swap empowers gamers to seamlessly alternate between two weapons in Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Unlike the ability to cycle through all five of Shepard's chosen weapons, Quick Swap focuses on toggling between two weapons swiftly. Below are the Quick Swap commands for Mass Effect Legendary Edition:

  • Xbox controller: Hold down X
  • PlayStation controller: Hold down X
  • Keyboard: Press X

The agility to switch between two weapons promptly proves invaluable during intense battles. For instance, transitioning from a Sniper Rifle for long-range attacks to a faster or close-range weapon can be a game-changer. This feature significantly reduces the reliance on the Weapon Wheel for weapon alterations.

Customizing Quick Swap Weapons

Quick Swap exclusively toggles between the current weapon and the previously equipped one. To assign a different weapon to Quick Swap, players simply need to access the Weapon Wheel and select another weapon. This action replaces the holstered weapon in Quick Swap, enabling gamers to toggle between the last two weapons acquired.