Mastering Type Soul Meditation

Unleash the power of your Shikai by mastering the art of meditation as a Soul Reaper in Type Soul.
Mastering Type Soul Meditation


  • Understand the exclusive meditation mechanic for Soul Reapers in Type Soul.
  • Learn the steps to initiate and complete a successful meditation session.
  • Unlock the path to Semi-grade 1 by mastering the meditation process.

Embarking on your Type Soul journey involves overcoming various challenges to ascend to higher levels of power and access formidable races. In the Soul Reaper faction, embracing meditation is crucial for unleashing the full potential of your Shikai.

Mastering meditation in Type Soul is a profound yet rewarding experience, enabling your character to connect with inner voices and explore alternate realms. While the concept may seem daunting, grasping the essence of meditation is pivotal for your progression.

Decoding Type Soul Meditation

Meditation serves as an exclusive Soul Reaper practice, inaccessible to other factions within Type Soul. Your character's level plays a significant role, requiring a minimum Grade 2 status to engage in meditative sessions, a crucial step towards attaining Semi-grade 1.

To commence your meditation journey, simply press the M key to initiate a session where your character sits down and delves into introspection. The process typically lasts between 5 to 20 minutes, marked by the emergence of words and phrases, signaling the awakening of Shikai's voice within you. For an uninterrupted experience, it's advisable to meditate within your faction's premises to minimize distractions.

Completing four meditation sessions transports you to an alternate dimension, presenting an opportunity to confront and conquer your Shikai. Should you encounter 'Not enough Shikai EXP' during the fourth meditation without transitioning dimensions, consider completing additional missions and restarting the game to resolve the issue.

Upon vanquishing the boss in the alternate dimension after the fourth meditation, you attain the coveted Semi-grade 1 title, a pivotal milestone in your Soul Reaper progression. This achievement unlocks new pathways and propels you further along the evolutionary chain within the Soul Reaper faction.