Becoming a Troll Warlord Expert in Dota 2

Unleash the full potential of Troll Warlord by mastering its gameplay mechanics.
Becoming a Troll Warlord Expert in Dota 2


  • Understand the core gameplay mechanics of Troll Warlord in Dota 2.
  • Learn the essential items and abilities needed to excel with Troll Warlord.
  • Master the art of efficient farming and strategic engagement with Troll Warlord.

Dota 2 continues to captivate players with its ever-evolving gameplay, introducing new heroes and items to keep the experience fresh and engaging. The thrill of Dota 2 lies in its dynamic gameplay that can keep players hooked, regardless of the match outcome.

Success in Dota 2 hinges on your familiarity with the heroes at your disposal. Understanding your hero's strengths, weaknesses, and optimal positioning is key to achieving victory. Heroes like Troll Warlord offer a complex playstyle that rewards mastery of their unique abilities. This guide delves into the intricacies of playing Troll Warlord in Dota 2 and provides valuable insights for aspiring Troll Warlord players.

Mastering Troll Warlord

As a core hero, Troll Warlord thrives on efficient farming to apply pressure on lanes and vanquish foes swiftly. Opt for the First Position, also known as the Carry role, upon selecting Troll Warlord.

When gearing up as Troll Warlord, kickstart your inventory with these essential starter items:

  • Tango
  • Magic Stick
  • Iron Branch x2
  • Circlet

Given your farming role in the safe lane, prioritize clearing enemy and neutral creeps efficiently. Avoid unnecessary skirmishes with enemy heroes and focus on accumulating resources until you're primed for combat. Swiftly acquire these core items during your farming phase:

  • Magic Wand
  • Wraith Band
  • Phase Boots

Level up Troll Warlord's abilities in the following sequence until unlocking Battle Trance at level six:

  • Whirling Axes (2 points)
  • Berserker's Rage (2 points)
  • Fervor (1 point)

With the requisite items and abilities in hand, coordinate with your support to unleash potent combos on enemy heroes in your lane. Alternatively, focus on farming until acquiring these additional items:

  • Shadow Blade
  • Maelstrom

Empowered with your arsenal, engage in targeted hunts against enemy heroes, utilizing a strategic blend of abilities to secure eliminations.
