Mastering the Bow in No Rest for the Wicked

Unleash the full potential of the bow with this comprehensive guide.
Mastering the Bow in No Rest for the Wicked


  • Understanding the unique mechanics of the bow is crucial for effective combat strategy.
  • Learn how to efficiently use bow skills and manage your Focus bar for maximum impact.
  • Discover where to acquire bows and enhance them with powerful Runes.

Weapons play a crucial role in No Rest for the Wicked, shaping the dynamics of combat and demanding diverse strategies from players. Whether you prefer the brute force of a heavy Claymore, the agility of dual daggers, or the versatility of a bow, each weapon class offers a distinct combat experience that requires skill and practice to master.

Among the arsenal of weapons in the game, the bow stands out for its unique mechanics. Unlike melee weapons that are straightforward to wield, mastering the bow requires a deeper understanding of its functionality and strategic implementation.

Unlocking the Bow's Potential

Utilizing a bow effectively relies on harnessing the power of its skills embedded in the bow's rune slots. Unlike traditional weapons that require equipping arrows, the bow generates projectiles automatically with each skill activation.

On PC, switching to the bow involves holding CTRL, selecting a skill with 1, 2, 3, or 4, and unleashing it by right-clicking. For Xbox controllers, the process entails using LB to switch and X, Y, A, or B to trigger skills.

  • Arrow: Consumes 15 Focus to shoot a single arrow, ideal for sustained damage output.
  • Multishot: Drains the entire Focus bar to release three rapid arrows, perfect for burst damage in close combat.

Players can further customize their bow by slotting additional skills using Runes, expanding their tactical options during battles. These Runes are obtainable from Eleanore at the Marketplace in Sacrament.

Acquiring Bows in the Game

Both Fillmore, the blacksmith, and Whittacker, the woodworker, occasionally offer Shortbows for sale at their shops. Typically priced at 1 Silver and 50 Copper, the cost may vary based on the bow's rarity. Additionally, bows can sporadically drop from specific enemies or be discovered in chests while exploring.