Mastering Combat in The Thaumaturge

New players can enhance their combat skills in The Thaumaturge with these expert tips.
Mastering Combat in The Thaumaturge


  • Harness healing abilities strategically to maintain Wiktor's health during battles.
  • Create powerful combos by upgrading skills with compatible enhancements for increased damage output.
  • Prioritize targeting stronger foes first by identifying enemy weaknesses and disabling combat traits.

Immerse yourself in early 20th century Poland with The Thaumaturge, a game delving into supernatural themes following Wiktor Szulski, a Thaumaturge seeking answers about his father's demise. While narrative takes center stage, engaging in turn-based combat is crucial to unveil Wiktor's prowess.

As Wiktor navigates a hostile world, mastering combat is key to progression. Armed with skill cards instead of weapons, each card can be upgraded using Thaumaturgy Points earned through missions and battles.

1 Strategic Healing Abilities

Use Salutor Skills to Restore Health Points

Employ Salutor abilities like Upyr's Eerie Intoxication not only to damage foes but also to replenish half of Wiktor's health. Be vigilant for reinforcements post-battle and keep Wiktor's health topped up.

2 Elevate Skill Upgrade Combos

Enhance Attacks with Skill Upgrades

Combine Skill Upgrades with cards to unleash devastating effects. For instance, pairing Quick Attack with Gamble upgrade grants a 60% chance of double damage, amplifying Wiktor's offensive capabilities.

3 Target Wisely, Attack Strategically

Assess Enemy Strengths and Weaknesses

Prioritize opponents based on their armaments and vulnerabilities. Neutralize well-armed foes first and exploit Salutors' trait-disabling abilities to gain a tactical edge in combat.