Mastering Team Reinforcement in Helldivers 2

Discover the essential techniques for reinforcing your squad in Helldivers 2 to ensure seamless teamwork.
Mastering Team Reinforcement in Helldivers 2


  • Learn how to efficiently bring back fallen teammates in Helldivers 2.
  • Understand the strategic use of Reinforce Stratagems in the game.
  • Resolve common issues that may hinder the reinforcement process in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 introduces players to a thrilling third-person shooter experience characterized by intense cooperative play and engaging gameplay elements. As Helldivers, elite soldiers entrusted with safeguarding the galaxy from menacing Terminids and Automatons, gamers face formidable challenges and demanding missions.

When participating in team-based gameplay in Helldivers 2, losing teammates during missions is not uncommon. Fortunately, the game offers a mechanism to revive fallen comrades. However, for novice players, the process of reinforcing teammates in Helldivers 2 can be perplexing. This guide aims to demystify the steps involved in reinforcing your squad members.

Techniques for Reinforcing Teammates in Helldivers 2

Reinforce represents one of the numerous deployable Stratagems accessible in Helldivers 2. Each squad in the game can utilize a total of 20 Reinforces, equating to five per player. To efficiently reinforce your teammates, follow these steps:

  • Access the Stratagems menu within the game.
  • Input the Reinforce Code using the D-pad. The code sequence is: 'UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, UP.' Memorize this code for swift teammate reinforcement.
  • Activating the code triggers the Stratagem Beacon. Deploy it in a secure area for your teammate's respawn.
  • Your teammate will reappear at the beacon's location shortly thereafter.

In Helldivers 2, players can simultaneously revive multiple teammates, albeit consuming a corresponding number of reinforcements. In situations where all squad members are deceased, the game automatically reinforces them.

When deploying the beacon, ensure it lands in a secure zone to prevent your teammate from landing amidst hostile fire. In case you are down and your allies overlook reinforcing you, simply press the Space key to remind them.

Here are scenarios where the reinforcement process may encounter obstacles:

  • If you have exhausted all reinforcements, the mechanism ceases to function.
  • Upon the expiration of the mission timer, reviving squad members becomes impossible.
  • In the presence of a jammer inhibiting Stratagem usage, reinforcement is ineffective.
  • Occasionally, the game may fail to register a player's demise, impeding the reinforcement process. In such cases, exercise patience before attempting to reinforce your teammate. Arrowhead Game Studios is actively addressing this issue.