Mastering Rotwood Weapon Combos

Learn how to unleash devastating combo attacks to dominate in Rotwood and emerge victorious.
Mastering Rotwood Weapon Combos


  • Discover the art of linking light, heavy, and focus attacks for powerful weapon combos in Rotwood.
  • Explore unique combo techniques for each weapon type, from the agile Spear to the devastating Striker.
  • Master the juggling mechanics of weapons like the Striker to defeat even the most challenging bosses in Rotwood.

Embark on your Rotwood journey armed with the knowledge of unleashing devastating combo attacks that will set you apart from the rest of the adventurers. In this mysterious realm, the key to survival lies in mastering the intricacies of weapon combos to emerge victorious in every expedition.

Get ready to delve into the realm of Rotwood weaponry, where each weapon type offers a unique combat experience, waiting to be harnessed to its full potential. Unleash your skills by combining light, heavy, and focus attacks seamlessly to create awe-inspiring combos that will leave your foes in awe.

Unleashing the Hammer Combos

Begin your journey with the Hammer, the stalwart starting weapon in Rotwood. Master the art of chaining light and heavy attacks, culminating in devastating combos, especially when paired with charged Focus attacks. The Hammer's user-friendly combos are a boon for novice players, easily executable and seamlessly integrated with evasive rolls, allowing you to initiate a new combo chain with every enemy dodge.

Unraveling the Spear Combos

Embrace the Spear, a weapon of duality in Rotwood. Offering unparalleled mobility, it empowers agile players to weave in and out of enemy ranks effortlessly. However, mastering its main Focus attack demands precision in maintaining the ideal distance from foes. Fear not, as the Spear unveils a secondary combo that not only simplifies execution but can be repetitively unleashed. Pair it with a healing power per kill, and the Spear transforms you into an indomitable force on the battlefield.

Deciphering the Cannon Combos

Enter the realm of ranged warfare with the Cannon, a weapon shrouded in challenge and precision. As the costliest and most intricate weapon to wield, caution is advised before investing your Corestones in Rotwood. The Cannon sacrifices mobility for firepower, eliminating your ability to evade through dashes or rolls. Maneuvering through encounters relies on well-timed heavy attacks, which not only deal damage but also push you back due to recoil.

Conquering with the Striker Combos

Embrace the supremacy of the Striker, hailed as the pinnacle weapon in Rotwood. Unleash a relentless barrage of attacks by juggling two spherical weapons towards your foes, inflicting devastating blows. While mastering the juggling mechanics may pose an initial challenge, the Striker proves invaluable against swift adversaries like Owlitzer. Remember, timing is key - trigger the Focus attack by striking the ball before it touches the ground to maximize damage output, as ground impacts yield no additional benefits.