Mastering Pack Stations in Manor Lords

Discover the intricacies of using Pack Stations in Manor Lords once specific requirements are fulfilled.
Mastering Pack Stations in Manor Lords


  • Learn the unique mechanics of Pack Stations in Manor Lords
  • Efficiently assign materials and families to maximize Pack Station benefits
  • Understand the concept of Barter Partners and Barter Value in Manor Lords

Manor Lords throws players into the challenging medieval setting where resource management is key to thriving settlements. As a town planner, constructing buildings, managing families, and engaging in trade are vital aspects of the game's strategy.

While most structures in the game are straightforward in their functions, the Pack Station stands out as a more complex element. Despite being available from the start, mastering its usage requires some effort.

Unlocking the Potential of Pack Stations

To effectively utilize a Pack Station, players must meet specific criteria, assign a family to manage it, select materials for exchange, and let the system handle the transactions. While one Pack Station is essential, having two can expedite trades and facilitate multiple exchanges.

  • Pack Stations operate on a batch system, with trade quantities limited by the carrying capacity of workers or pack animals.

Maximizing Efficiency with Livestock

Integrating Livestock into Pack Stations enhances goods transportation between regions. By assigning a Permanent Livestock animal to the station, workers can handle larger volumes. Players can also order a Mule from the menu, capable of carrying 20 goods per trip.

  • Mules increase cargo capacity but do not improve travel speed compared to workers.

Exploring Barter Partners and Value

Establishing a Barter Partner is crucial for Pack Station operations. Players can select another settlement within their control as a trading partner. The Barter Value system ensures fair exchanges based on market values, allowing for efficient resource swaps.

  • Barter Partners must be settlements in different regions controlled by the player.

Understanding Fair Trades with Barter Value

Barter Value reflects the equivalence of goods exchanged, considering their market prices. This system prevents unfair trades and helps players estimate the quantities involved in each barter. For instance, a higher value item will yield more units of a lower value commodity to maintain balance.