Mastering World Switching in Once Human

Discover how to effortlessly change worlds in Once Human to team up with friends and enhance your gaming experience.
Mastering World Switching in Once Human


  • Learn the importance of changing worlds in Once Human for cooperative gameplay.
  • Find out the simple steps to switch worlds using Teleportation Towers.
  • Explore how to form groups like Hives and Warbands to maximize teamwork in Once Human.

Once Human presents an immersive MMO experience where players must navigate a supernatural realm filled with challenges. While the game offers a solo play option, the real thrill lies in banding together with friends to conquer threats and conquer the environment.

Embracing cooperative multiplayer features for both PvE and PvP scenarios, Once Human allows players on the same server to team up. However, to team up with your friends, you may need to switch worlds within the game.

Mastering World Switching in Once Human

To embark on adventures with your friends in Once Human, all players must not only be on the same server but also in the same world. In this game, worlds serve as subdivisions of servers to ensure smooth gameplay. While structures are not transferable between worlds, players and their inventory can move freely.

The process of changing worlds in Once Human is straightforward. After completing the tutorial with a character, progress until you discover a Teleportation Tower, a distinct landmark on the game map. These towers are easily identifiable by their tower symbol on the map.

Approach a Teleportation Tower and press the G key. This action presents a list of available worlds for you to switch to. Once you interact with a Teleportation Tower, it becomes a fast travel point on your world map, streamlining future world changes for quick access to cooperative play.

Upon switching to the same world as your friends using a Teleportation Tower, you can group up via the Social tab. Form a Hive for up to three players or a Warband comprising multiple Hives, similar to guild structures in other MMOs. If players wish to merge bases after establishing separate ones, they can relocate structures within the same world.