Mastering Helldivers 2: Autocannon Tactics

Discover the strategic prowess of Helldivers 2's Autocannon and elevate your gameplay with expert loadouts and battle tips.
Mastering Helldivers 2: Autocannon Tactics


  • Learn optimal Autocannon loadouts against Terminids and Automatons
  • Unleash the power of primary, secondary, grenade, and armor options for maximum effectiveness
  • Dominate the battlefield with strategic Stratagems tailored to your Autocannon playstyle

Helldivers 2 introduces a vast array of weapons, but none as versatile as the Autocannon. This powerhouse is adept at dealing damage across various ranges and enemy types, making it a valuable asset in your arsenal. Let's delve into the best strategies for maximizing the Autocannon's potential against the formidable Terminids and Automatons.

Optimal Autocannon Loadout Against Terminids

The Terminids pose a significant threat with their insectoid hordes, but with the right Autocannon loadout, you can effectively fend off these relentless attackers. While the Autocannon excels against Automatons, it can still handle most Bugs, excluding Chargers and Bile Titans. To tackle diverse challenges, complement your Autocannon with a mix of weapons, tools, and Stratagems for a well-rounded approach.

Top Primary Weapons: Punisher Or Dominator

  • SG-8 Punisher: This versatile shotgun is ideal for countering Stalkers, offering superior crowd control capabilities. Its effectiveness at short to medium ranges makes it a standout choice in close encounters.
  • JAR-5 Dominator: With explosive firepower and minimal self-damage, this rifle is perfect for engaging foes at a distance while pairing seamlessly with the Autocannon for a balanced loadout.

Best Secondary Weapon: Redeemer

  • P-19 Redeemer: A reliable backup weapon, the Redeemer provides rapid firepower when facing sudden threats, ensuring you can swiftly eliminate aggressive enemies.

Recommended Grenade: Stun Grenade

  • G-23 Stun Grenade: Stun your Terminid adversaries, except Bile Titans, to create openings for strategic maneuvers or precise Autocannon shots, enhancing your battlefield control.

Ideal Armor Choice: CE-07 Demolition Specialist

  • CE-07 Demolition Specialist: Enhance your mobility and precision with light armor, benefiting from reduced recoil and extra grenades. This setup empowers you to handle intense combat scenarios with finesse.

Strategic Stratagems for Terminid Encounters

  • Orbital Airburst Strike: Clear out swarming foes efficiently with targeted airstrikes, offering invaluable support during intense battles.
  • Eagle 500KG Bomb: Unleash explosive devastation on enemy clusters, especially effective against high-priority targets like Bile Titans.
  • Autocannon Sentry: Deploy automated firepower to eliminate heavy threats and control enemy movements, securing key areas with precision.

Crafting The Perfect Autocannon Loadout Against Automatons

Automatons present distinct challenges with their ranged tactics and fortified positions, but a well-equipped Autocannon can dismantle these mechanical adversaries. From targeting weak points to leveraging strategic loadouts, master the art of confronting Automatons with precision and firepower.

Top Primary Weapons: Breaker Or Dominator

  • SG-225 Breaker: Despite recent nerfs, this shotgun remains a potent choice, excelling in accuracy and sustained fire against aggressive adversaries.
  • LAS-16 Sickle: Delivering reliable performance across all ranges, this rifle is a dependable option for engaging Devastators and Berserkers while conserving Autocannon ammo.

Best Secondary Weapon: Redeemer

  • P-19 Redeemer: A versatile backup for intense combat situations, the Redeemer ensures you can swiftly dispatch threats while maintaining offensive pressure.

Optimal Grenade Choices: Stun Or Smoke

  • G-23 Stun Grenade: Stun enemies to create tactical advantages and line up critical shots, offering essential crowd control against fast-moving Automaton units.
  • G-3 Smoke Grenade: Employ stealth tactics to evade detection and enhance survivability, granting crucial moments to reposition or escape enemy encounters.

Recommended Armor: B-24 Enforcer

  • B-24 Enforcer: Strike a balance between protection and mobility with medium armor, benefiting from reduced recoil and enhanced resistance to explosive damage, pivotal in facing formidable Automaton threats.

Strategic Stratagems for Automaton Confrontations

  • Eagle Airstrike: Unleash targeted heavy fire to eliminate Bot Fabricators and control enemy movements effectively, securing key objectives with precision strikes.
  • Orbital Laser: Unleash devastating laser strikes to decimate enemy strongholds and high-value targets, providing unparalleled destructive power in critical encounters.
  • Autocannon Sentry: Deploy automated firepower to neutralize Automaton threats and maintain aerial superiority, ensuring strategic dominance over enemy forces.

Mastering Autocannon Tactics for Victory

The Autocannon stands as a versatile cornerstone of your Helldiver arsenal, excelling in diverse combat scenarios. Its adaptability and utility make it a formidable choice for engaging enemies and accomplishing mission objectives with precision. Elevate your gameplay by mastering Autocannon techniques and harnessing its full potential on the battlefield.

Reloading Tactics: Solo vs. Partner

Reloading the Autocannon efficiently impacts your combat effectiveness. When operating solo, ensure strategic reload management to maintain continuous firepower. Alternatively, coordinating with a partner carrying extra ammo can significantly enhance your sustained damage output and combat efficiency.

  • Solo Reloading: Optimize reload times by replenishing ammo before depletion to minimize downtime and maximize combat readiness.
  • Partner Reloading: Collaborate with a teammate to streamline reloads, enabling seamless ammunition replenishment while sustaining offensive pressure on enemies.

Closing Enemy Spawns with Precision

Utilize the Autocannon's range advantage to eliminate Bug Holes and Bot Fabricators from a distance, disrupting enemy reinforcements effectively. Master the art of precise targeting to neutralize these critical objectives and maintain battlefield control.

  • Bug Holes: Target the entry point directly to swiftly eliminate Bug Holes, ensuring efficient containment of enemy threats.
  • Bot Fabricators: Focus fire on vulnerable points to dismantle Bot Fabricators, strategically exploiting weak spots for optimal destruction of enemy production facilities.

Witness Autocannon Tactics in Action