Mastering V.A.T.S. in Fallout 4

Learn how to excel in combat using the V.A.T.S. system in Fallout 4
Mastering V.A.T.S. in Fallout 4


  • Understand the V.A.T.S. system and its benefits in Fallout 4
  • Master the steps to effectively use V.A.T.S. during gameplay
  • Enhance your V.A.T.S. performance by improving specific character stats

Fallout games provide players with various combat mechanics to handle enemies effectively. One standout feature is V.A.T.S. (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System) in Fallout 4. This guide delves into utilizing V.A.T.S. optimally, explaining its functionality, strategic usage, and stat enhancements crucial for maximizing its impact.

Understanding V.A.T.S. in Fallout 4

V.A.T.S., short for Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System, initiates a unique combat mode where time slows down, enabling precise targeting of enemies. This mechanic presents hit probability percentages for different body parts, reminiscent of turn-based gameplay in earlier Fallout titles.

Mastering V.A.T.S. Usage

To engage V.A.T.S., the key inputs vary based on your gaming platform. Follow these steps:

  • Press Q/L1/LB to activate V.A.T.S. (Q for PC, L1 for PlayStation, LB for Xbox).
  • Select target body parts; unleash multiple shots with sufficient AP and ammo, including melee attacks.
  • Confirm selections by pressing E/X/A (E for PC, X for PlayStation, A for Xbox); your character executes the chosen actions.

Enhancing V.A.T.S. Performance

Tailor your character build to optimize V.A.T.S. by focusing on specific stats offering advantageous perks:

  • Agility – Boosts AP, accelerates recharge, and enhances regeneration.
  • Luck – Elevates critical hit chances, grants guaranteed critical damage, and restores AP post-V.A.T.S. kills.

Investing in Agility and Luck elevates your V.A.T.S. capabilities, transforming you into a nimble and deadly gunslinger. With the right stats, your enemies stand little chance against your swift and accurate onslaught.