Mastering the Art of Hacking in Fallout 4

Unravel the complexities of hacking in Fallout 4 to unlock hidden treasures and gain an edge in the game.
Mastering the Art of Hacking in Fallout 4


  • Understand the hacking mechanics in Fallout 4 to navigate terminals effectively.
  • Utilize special characters to enhance your hacking experience and increase success rates.
  • Leverage companions like Nick Valentine to assist in hacking, but be prepared for potential setbacks.

Delving into the world of hacking in Fallout 4 can be both challenging and rewarding. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned player, mastering the art of hacking terminals is crucial for progressing through the game smoothly and accessing valuable resources.

Deciphering Terminal Hacking in Fallout 4

Terminal hacking revolves around identifying the correct password from a list of possibilities through deduction and trial-and-error. Investing in the Hacker perk early on is advisable for tackling more advanced terminals efficiently.

When selecting a word from the list, pay attention to the "Likeliness = [x]" message, where [x] indicates the number of correct letters in the chosen word that match the password. This feedback helps narrow down the options effectively.

For instance, if the password is STEAM and you choose START, a Likeliness count of 2 means two letters are correct and in the right position. Conversely, opting for MEATS with a count of 0 implies no correct letters are in their designated spots.

To avoid getting locked out of the terminal upon repeated failures, it's advisable to log out and retry to reset the word selection and attempts. This strategy increases your chances of success.

Unveiling Special Hacking Characters

Keep an eye out for characters within ( ), [ ], < >, or { } brackets while hacking. Hover over these symbols to reveal hidden effects that can reset your attempts or eliminate incorrect passwords, simplifying the process.

Harnessing Companion Hacking Skills

Enlist the help of companions like Nick Valentine to assist in hacking terminals. Nick's proficiency in hacking makes him a valuable ally in navigating through complex security systems. However, be aware that even skilled companions can face setbacks, so have a backup plan in place.

While hacking may seem daunting at first, with practice and these tips in mind, you can become a proficient hacker in Fallout 4 and unlock a world of hidden possibilities.