Mastering Dragon's Dogma 2: Understanding Affinity System

Demystifying the affinity system in Dragon's Dogma 2 for enhanced gameplay experiences.
Mastering Dragon's Dogma 2: Understanding Affinity System


  • Learn how affinity impacts gameplay and rewards in Dragon's Dogma 2.
  • Discover effective ways to increase affinity with NPCs in the game.
  • Understand the importance of building affinity with your main pawn.

Embark on a journey in the realm of Dragon's Dogma 2, teeming with diverse NPCs, each harboring unique personalities and preferences. Forming bonds with these characters can unlock special items and valuable resources for players.

Similar to its predecessor, NPC affinity holds significant importance in Dragon's Dogma 2, especially considering key characters early in the game that are pivotal to befriend swiftly.

Decoding Affinity Dynamics in Dragon's Dogma 2

Affinity essentially indicates an NPC's fondness towards you. This mechanism influences most NPCs, including vendors, your primary pawn, and essential story figures. Affinity becomes crucial when pursuing romantic interests within the game, like following Ulrika's romance path in Dragon's Dogma 2, which necessitates high affinity levels. A telltale sign of high affinity is when an NPC blushes during interactions with you.

Elevating your affinity with NPCs leads to rewards, the nature of which varies based on the character you bond with. For instance, assisting Flora in the Medicament Predicament quest boosts your affinity with her grandfather, Auriol, granting you the Chirurgeon's Tome to bestow the Chirurgeon specialization upon your pawn. Moreover, NPCs with high affinity may send gifts to your residence, if you own one.

Strategies to Boost Affinity in Dragon's Dogma 2

Offering gifts in Dragon's Dogma 2 stands as the primary method to enhance affinity with NPCs. Consult your NPC Logbook to identify items favored by a character. Focus on the Likes section at the bottom of their profile card, which categorizes items into:

  • Beautiful Items: Flowers and ores
  • Adorable Items: Flowers and fruits
  • Expensive Items: Valuables
  • Interesting Items: Weapons, armor, monster drops
  • Fancy Items: Spellbooks, rare monster drops, rare potions
  • Rare Items: Rare monster drops

Quests also contribute to enhancing NPC affinity, particularly towards those who aid them in times of need. While not all NPCs have associated quests, employing the Allure augment from the new Trickster vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 amplifies affinity gains for positive actions.

The affinity system extends to your main pawn as well. Strengthen your bond with your pawn by:

  • Engaging in conversations
  • Celebrating with a high-five post-battle
  • Visiting the hot spring together
  • Accompanying them to the barber
  • Selecting them as your beloved during the Sphinx quest

Enhancing pawn affinity fosters a deeper connection, enriching your gameplay experience, especially as you approach the game's true finale.