Mastering Dodging Techniques in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Learn the art of dodging to keep Henry alive and victorious in the world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Mastering Dodging Techniques in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


  • Understanding the importance of dodging in combat
  • Mastering the art of dodging to conserve stamina and health
  • Utilizing perks to enhance dodging and defensive strategies

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an action-packed RPG that challenges players to excel in combat by strategically timing their attacks and defenses. Unlike traditional hack-and-slash games, Kingdom Come: Deliverance focuses on the crucial skills of blocking and dodging. Rushing in recklessly will drain Henry's stamina and make him vulnerable to enemy strikes. Success lies in patience, observation, and nimble footwork to outmaneuver opponents.

While many RPGs prompt players to evade attacks with a simple button press, Kingdom Come: Deliverance offers a more realistic challenge. Dodging is essential to avoid damage and stay alive. Neglecting this skill leaves Henry open to injuries and potential defeat. This guide will explain the most effective dodging techniques and recommend useful perks to ease your journey.

Mastering Dodging in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Dodging in Kingdom Come: Deliverance demands constant vigilance and swift reactions. Players must sidestep or backstep precisely to evade enemy attacks. Timing is critical; observing opponents' movements allows Henry to anticipate and dodge strikes effectively. Unlike blocking or parrying, dodging consumes no stamina, enabling players to conserve energy for strategic strikes. Training with Captain Bernard during the game's fifth quest offers valuable experience in mastering this skill.

Enhancing Dodging with Perks

Besides honing Henry's physical agility, players can leverage perks in Kingdom Come: Deliverance to boost his defensive capabilities. By leveling up and spending ability points wisely, players can unlock perks that enhance dodging and stamina management. Here are some recommended perks for a more defensive gameplay style.

  • Light Armor: Makes dodging 50% easier when not wearing heavy armor, allowing for nimble evasion of enemy strikes.
  • Fast Striker: Reduces stamina cost for attacks by 30% and pairs well with agile weapons, enabling rapid strikes while maintaining stamina.
  • Berserk: Accelerates stamina regeneration fourfold when health is critically low, aiding in desperate situations.

These perks, along with others like Blood Rush and Perfect Block, can significantly improve Henry's combat prowess and survivability. Mastering dodging and utilizing these perks will enhance your experience in the challenging world of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.