Mastering Darkest Dungeon: Essential Tips for New Players

Embarking on the treacherous journey through Darkest Dungeon? Here are key strategies to help you navigate the eerie depths of the shadowy estate with confidence.
Mastering Darkest Dungeon: Essential Tips for New Players


  • Embrace the inevitability of death to grow stronger and learn valuable lessons.
  • Manage your resources wisely by saving gold, heirlooms, and provisions for crucial upgrades.
  • Construct effective party compositions, target enemies strategically, and engage with curios for success.

Darkest Dungeon is a challenging adventure that plunges players into the mysterious town of Halmet, a hub leading to the ominous shadowy estate. As heroes traverse through this eerie landscape, they will encounter a host of Lovecraftian terrors.

Death is a constant companion in Darkest Dungeon, with losses serving as opportunities for growth and learning. While the game offers no hand-holding, mastering a few essential strategies can ease the path to the game's namesake, Darkest Dungeon.

12 Embrace Death As a Teacher

Gain Wisdom from Setbacks

In Darkest Dungeon, death is not the end but a stepping stone. Heroes are meant to fall, but each loss is a chance for resilience. Fallen heroes can be replaced at the Stage Coach, allowing for fresh attempts and new party formations.

The game's design ensures that there's always a chance for redemption, even in the face of adversity. However, in Stygian mode, players must defeat the final boss within strict time constraints and limited hero deaths.

11 Release the Weakest Links

Prune Your Roster Without Mercy

In Darkest Dungeon, strength lies in quality over quantity. It's vital to cull underperforming heroes early on, prioritizing efficiency over sentimentality. Dismissing heroes burdened with stress and negative quirks is more prudent than costly treatments.

To remove heroes, simply access their character sheet and utilize the Dismiss button for a fresh start.

10 Hoard Gold & Heirlooms

Prudent Money Management

Starting with meager resources, players should refrain from lavish spending on hero upgrades. Delaying affliction treatments and quirks management early on allows for a more strategic allocation of limited funds.

Similarly, conserving heirlooms until understanding optimal building upgrades is crucial for unlocking essential facilities in the Hamlet.

9 Fortify the Stage Coach

Expand Your Roster for Success

Bolstering the Stage Coach capacity ensures a steady influx of heroes to replenish your ranks. Prioritize upgrading the Guild and Blacksmith to enhance hero capabilities while saving costs in the long run.

For smoother dungeon runs, consider enhancing the Abbey to manage stress effectively, a vital aspect of hero longevity.