Mastering the Super Glide Move in Apex Legends

Discover the key steps to mastering the elusive Super Glide maneuver in Apex Legends.
Mastering the Super Glide Move in Apex Legends


  • Learn how to execute the Super Glide for enhanced speed and agility in Apex Legends.
  • Understand the importance of mastering movement strategies for competitive advantage.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide to perfecting the Super Glide technique in the game.

Exploring Apex Legends reveals a plethora of movement techniques that can elevate your gameplay. From wall jumps to tap strafing, mastering these skills enhances your speed and agility on the battlefield.

One such advanced move is the Super Glide, designed to boost your speed after climbing a wall and minimize vulnerability. Mastering this technique can be a game-changer in intense combat situations. Here's how you can nail the Super Glide:

Understanding the Super Glide in Apex Legends

Quick reactions are crucial in Apex Legends, making the Super Glide vital. Climbing leaves you exposed at the top, creating a vulnerable moment. The Super Glide lets you propel yourself forward upon reaching the peak, reducing the risk of enemy attacks.

How to Perfect the Super Glide Move

Now that you grasp the significance of the Super Glide, let's delve into executing this maneuver:

  • Identify a ledge to ascend, such as the rocks near the firing range entrance.
  • Initiate a sprint toward the ledge, make contact, and leap to mantle the wall.
  • As you reach the wall's apex, swiftly press the jump and crouch buttons consecutively. First jump, then crouch to launch forward – a key Super Glide move.

Timing is critical at the wall's peak – hitting jump and crouch buttons almost simultaneously is key to mastering the Super Glide. Mastery requires practice; lower frame rates can aid in executing the move, making it more achievable at 30 FPS. Invest time in honing this skill to advance your gameplay and aim for the prestigious Masters Rank.