Mastering All Endings in Far Cry 5

Explore the gripping narrative of Far Cry 5 with diverse endings. Decide the fate of Seed by arresting him, leaving him be, or opting for a surprise conclusion.
Mastering All Endings in Far Cry 5


  • Unravel the different conclusions Far Cry 5 offers players to shape the story.
  • Discover the 'good' ending by arresting Joseph Seed and the consequences that follow.
  • Experience the 'bad' and the secretive joke endings for unique outcomes.

Far Cry 5 introduces players to a captivating storyline with multiple endings, a feature reminiscent of its predecessor. Delve into the game's world to uncover two primary endings and a hidden one that adds a touch of humor. But how can you unlock these different conclusions?

The pivotal moment in Far Cry 5 arrives when you must make a critical decision. As the story unfolds, you will face the choice of either pursuing the arrest of Joseph Seed once again or walking away. Each option carries significant consequences, shaping the narrative in profound ways without offering a clear-cut positive outcome. However, arresting Seed is often considered the more favorable path known as the 'good' ending.

Exploring All Three Endings in Far Cry 5

'Good' Ending: Arrest Joseph Seed

To achieve the 'good' ending, you must opt to proceed with Joseph Seed's arrest. This triggers a fierce confrontation with your manipulated comrades, leading to a hard-won victory that liberates your allies from Seed's influence.

Amidst the chaos of the arrest, a nuclear explosion occurs in the distance, completely unrelated to the game's main narrative. As radio broadcasts hint at a global nuclear conflict, you and your companions, including Joseph, race to safety in Dutch's bunker. Tragically, a fatal car crash claims the lives of all your friends, leaving Joseph to carry your unconscious body to safety. Upon awakening, Joseph reveals his prophecy of 'The Collapse,' proclaiming you and he as the only survivors, forging an unsettling 'family' bond. This ending sets the stage for Far Cry New Dawn, set seventeen years later.

'Bad' Ending: Walk Away

Opting to walk away from Joseph Seed results in the 'bad' ending. Departing Hope County with your allies in a truck, you hear ominous plans of the National Guard's return to the region. Suddenly, as a haunting song plays on the radio, the screen fades to black, suggesting a dark turn where your character may have committed a terrible act influenced by the brainwashing melody.

Secret Ending

The third, secretive ending in Far Cry 5 is a whimsical nod akin to Far Cry 4. By defying the game's initial directive to arrest Joseph Seed and instead choosing to do nothing, a comical sequence unfolds where you and your friends opt to abandon Seed. Whitehorse acknowledges that attempting the arrest would lead to the group's demise at the hands of Seed's loyalists.

While sparing your friends' lives by avoiding Joseph's arrest is a humorous deviation, it ultimately sidelines the main gameplay experience. This quirky ending adds a touch of levity to the game's diverse narrative outcomes.