Mastering All Endings in Alone in the Dark

Discover how to achieve all five different endings in Alone in the Dark.
Mastering All Endings in Alone in the Dark


  • Unveil the intricacies of the multiple endings in Alone in the Dark.
  • Explore the steps needed to unlock each unique ending.
  • Enhance your gameplay experience by pursuing diverse narrative outcomes.

Embark on a journey through the world of Alone in the Dark and delve into the realm of multiple endings. While the game boasts a concise runtime, its replay value shines through various narrative paths. Venturing through the perspectives of both Emily Hartwood and Edward Carnby unveils distinct storylines. Apart from the default conclusion, the game harbors secret endings waiting to be unraveled.

Caution: Spoilers lie ahead in this comprehensive guide.

Default Ending (Edward and Emily)

Both campaigns largely parallel each other, with minor divergences in cutscenes and mission objectives. Completing both storylines culminates in identical endings, distinguishing only between Edward and Emily. These endings entail a final boss battle against Shub-Niggurath, leading to the concluding sequences.

Bad Ending (Emily)

Unlocking Emily's bad ending necessitates a series of precise steps. Acquiring the complete Dying With Dignity Lagniappe set initiates a new objective during the fourth chapter. Unveiling a hidden painting by using paint thinner in Dr. Gray's Apartment sets off a chain of events leading to a unique ending, involving a crucial interaction with the Dark Man.

Bad Ending (Edward)

Similar to Emily's path, Edward's alternative ending demands specific actions. Completing the Goat Without Horns set and triggering a hidden objective near the Wishing Tree sets the stage for a divergent outcome. A pivotal moment during Grace's sacrifice presents Edward with a unique opportunity to steer the narrative towards a different conclusion.

Secret Ending (Grace)

This elusive ending can be experienced through Emily or Edward. Completing the All the World's a Stage Lagniappe set unlocks a hidden pathway during the final chapter. By interacting with Grace and offering her an item, players can unravel this secret ending and earn the coveted 'What Just Happened?' achievement/trophy.