Master the Way of the Ronin: Full Mission Roster

Experience a myriad of challenges in the world of Rise of the Ronin, where pivotal decisions shape your journey.
Master the Way of the Ronin: Full Mission Roster


  • Delve into a thrilling adventure set in 19th-century Japan amidst warring factions.
  • Navigate through a blend of combat and decision-making that influences NPC interactions.
  • Immerse yourself in a 30-40 hour gameplay, balancing main story progression and side missions.

Rise of the Ronin plunges players into a world teeming with action and daring exploits. The backdrop of late-19th-century Japan, embroiled in chaos and conflict, sets the stage for a riveting narrative. Amidst the turmoil of clashing factions, the players wield the power to steer the course of history. While some choices may seem inconsequential, they can significantly alter how non-playable characters perceive and interact with them.

At critical junctures, players must confront weighty decisions, including matters of life and death. Alongside its captivating storyline, the game boasts engaging combat mechanics. Despite its rich content, the game is compact, requiring 30-40 hours to explore all facets. For those inclined towards the main plotline, a comprehensive guide to all primary missions in Rise of the Ronin is available.

How Many Acts Does Rise of the Ronin Contain?

Rise of the Ronin unfolds across three acts, each offering substantial gameplay, especially on higher difficulty settings. Every act comprises multiple main missions of varying lengths, necessitating completion for progression to the subsequent act.

Complete List of Rise of the Ronin Missions

The initial act, Black Ships, Long Shadows, encompasses the following missions:

  • The Veiled Edge Village
  • Infiltrating the Black Ship
  • The Setting Sun
  • The Bridge to Yokohama
  • Your Reward is in the Cave
  • Curtain Falls, Curtain Rises
  • Follow Your Blade Twin
  • Locating the Camera
  • A Pleasure District Portrait
  • The Plot to Assassinate Harris
  • Yokohama's Shadow
  • Hidden Motives
  • Cultural Exchange
  • Tracking Down Harris
  • Take Back Hongakuji Temple
  • Those Who Know Shoin
  • The Chinatown Kihetai
  • Infiltrate the Prison Complex
  • Those Who Gather at Edo
  • Damsel In Distress
  • The Sakurada Gate Incident

Upon concluding the Sakurada Gate Incident, players transition to the second act of Rise of the Ronin.

  • Decisions
  • The Fire Attack
  • Meeting Kaishu Katsu
  • Reinventing the Shogunate
  • Those Who Lead
  • Deadly Blade, Demon Belle
  • A Mighty Soldier
  • Powder Smoke at the Castle
  • It Hurts to Be Good
  • Those Who Lead
  • The Physician's Request
  • Prison Break: Shosaku Narasaki
  • The Chivalry of the Denshutai
  • A Show for the Shogun
  • Temper, Temper
  • Looking Ahead
  • Strange Bedfellows
  • The Shogun's Journey to Kyoto
  • The Ikeda Inn Incident
  • The Forbidden Gate Rebellion

The ultimate act in Rise of the Ronin poses the greatest challenge. Players must optimize their gear, skills, and weaponry to overcome formidable obstacles and adversaries.

  • Parting Ways
  • Fate of the Vanquished
  • The Satsuma-Chochu Alliance
  • A New Path
  • Burgeoning Betrayal
  • The Feud in Aburanokoji
  • The Last Shogun
  • The End of the Shogunate
  • The Omi Inn Incident
  • The Battle of Toba-Fushimi
  • Wildlife
  • Patriots' Reward
  • Lifelong Vow
  • Before the Dawn
  • The Veiled Edge