Mass Effect: The Funniest Dialogue Moments in the Series

Laugh out loud during the most intense moments with these hilarious lines
Mass Effect: The Funniest Dialogue Moments in the Series


  • Garrus' obsession with calibrations and Shepard's sarcastic threat to give a Turian officer a single bullet provide some of the most memorable humorous moments in the Mass Effect series.
  • Kaidan's response of "Don't Kaidan me" to Shepard breaks tension in Mass Effect 3, reminiscent of a parent scolding a toddler.
  • Shepard's wacky remark calling a Hanar a "big stupid jellyfish" stands out as a comedic dialogue during a mission on the Citadel.

When players engage in conversations in the Mass Effect games, they encounter a mix of dialogue options. While some serve to provide information or express the player's moral stance, others stand out for their ridiculous and humorous nature, serving as a much-needed respite from the looming threat of the Reapers.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the games cleverly inject humor into dialogue exchanges between Shepard and the other characters, offering some of the most bizarre and amusing moments in the Mass Effect series.

7 "I'm In The Middle Of Some Calibrations"

Garrus Just Can't Stop Talking About His Favorite Hobby

  • Game: Mass Effect 2
  • Character: Garrus
  • Mission: Aboard The Normandy

Following a mission, players often engage in conversations with squadmates. However, Garrus's unwavering focus on 'calibrations' becomes a running joke. His refusal to engage in conversation due to this fixation has become a meme within the fan community.

6 "You Don't Have A Grenade Launcher, Lady. Get Lost"

A Turian Guard Reminds A Civilian About The Explosive Weaponry Shepard Is Packing

  • Game: Mass Effect 2
  • Character: Turian Guard
  • Mission: Omega (Recruit Mordin)

While entering a quarantined zone in Omega, a Turian guard comically points out the firepower displayed on Shepard's back, humorously reminding a civilian of the danger posed by Shepard's weaponry.

5 "I'll Relinquish One Bullet. Where Do You Want It?"

Without A Doubt One Of The Snarkiest Replies Shepard's Ever Given

  • Game: Mass Effect 2
  • Character: Shepard
  • Mission: Purgatory Prison (Recruit Jack)

During a confrontation at the Purgatory prison, Shepard's response to a demand to relinquish weapons is a witty remark, showcasing an exaggerated confidence that adds to the humor of the situation.

4 "Don't Kaidan Me"

Kaidan Acts Like A Parent Scolding A Toddler

  • Game: Mass Effect 3
  • Character: Kaidan
  • Mission: Priority Mars

During a tense moment on Mars, Kaiden's humorous retort to Shepard provides a comedic release, breaking the tension and adding levity to the exchange.

3 "We Should Record And Broadcast It For The Reapers. They'll Either Run Away, Melt Down, Or Fall In Love"

Garrus Takes A Comedic Jab At Shepard's Awkward Dancing Skills

  • Game: Mass Effect 3
  • Character: Garrus
  • Mission: Citadel DLC

During the Citadel DLC, Garrus humorously comments on Shepard's dancing skills, injecting humor into a lighthearted moment.

2 "Tell Me What I Want Or I'll Blast Your Virtual Ass Into Actual Dust"

A Krogan Talking To A Hologram Was Always Going To Be A Hilarious Conversation

  • Game: Mass Effect
  • Character: Krogan Commander
  • Mission: Feros

Humor ensues during a conversation between a Krogan and a hologram, showcasing the lighter side of the Mass Effect series.

1 "Because It's A Big Stupid Jellyfish"

Shepard Reveals How He Feels About The Hanar In The Weirdest Way Possible

  • Game: Mass Effect
  • Character: Shepard
  • Mission: Exploring The Citadel

Shepard's uncharacteristic quip about a Hanar provides a standout comedic moment during a mission on the Citadel, offering a lighter touch to the series.