The Importance of Having a Geth Companion in Mass Effect 4

Exploring the significance of reintroducing a Geth companion in the upcoming Mass Effect installment.
The Importance of Having a Geth Companion in Mass Effect 4


  • Legion's impact on challenging perceptions and ethical dilemmas in Mass Effect series.
  • The missed potential of Legion's character development in the original trilogy.
  • Teased return of the Geth in Mass Effect 4 hints at the need for a new Geth companion.

Within BioWare's renowned Mass Effect series lies a cherished element that fans hold dear - the companion characters. These companions offer diverse personalities and stories, providing players with engaging side quests while not pursuing the main storyline. Given BioWare's track record of creating compelling companions, it is anticipated that Mass Effect 4 will continue this tradition.

While all companions in the Mass Effect universe are notable, none resonate quite like Legion. As a Geth mobile platform, Legion brought a unique dynamic to player companionship, leaving an enduring impact on the franchise and setting a high standard for future allies. Regrettably, Legion's introduction in Mass Effect 2 was late, and the character met an untimely end in Mass Effect 3, leaving untapped potential. As Mass Effect 4 looms, BioWare should acknowledge Legion's legacy and consider introducing a fresh Geth companion for player immersion.

Reasons Behind the Necessity of a Geth Companion in Mass Effect 4

Legion: A Provocative Companion in Mass Effect

Arguably, the most compelling argument for incorporating a Geth companion in Mass Effect 4 stems from Legion's character. Amidst the diverse allies in the series, Legion stands out as one of the most thought-provoking. As a Geth entity, Legion altered perceptions of their race, previously depicted as adversaries. Legion's emergence in Mass Effect 2 introduced depth to the Geth's portrayal, particularly as the character delved into existential themes like identity and ethics.

Legion's logical and unemotional approach to dilemmas presented players with profound ethical quandaries, challenging them to navigate biases prevalent in the Mass Effect universe. This approach added layers to Legion's persona that would be hard to replicate with an emotional companion, enriching the gameplay experience.

Unfulfilled Potential of Legion in the Mass Effect Trilogy

Despite its intriguing nature, Legion's character arc in the original trilogy left much untapped potential. Joining the squad late in Mass Effect 2 and meeting a premature end in Mass Effect 3 led to a sense of wasted opportunities. If BioWare aims to further challenge perceptions of the Geth, a new Geth companion in Mass Effect 4 could explore this concept, especially considering the potential survival of the Geth post the events of Mass Effect 3.

While the presence of the Geth in Mass Effect 4 remains unconfirmed, a teaser poster from N7 day in 2021 hints at their return. Given the impact of Legion in the previous installments, it seems imperative for Mass Effect 4 to reintroduce a Geth companion. Although Dragon Age: Dreadwolf has garnered attention with a summer reveal, updates on Mass Effect 4 are eagerly awaited as its release draws closer.