Diversifying Companion Choices in Mass Effect 4

Exploring new possibilities for companions in the Mass Effect universe to enhance player experience and inclusivity.
Diversifying Companion Choices in Mass Effect 4


  • Introducing neglected alien races as squadmates in Mass Effect 4 can offer a fresh perspective and enrich the game's narrative.
  • Including batarians and geth as potential squadmates could provide players with deeper insights into their cultures and foster a shift in perceptions.
  • Bringing back fan-favorite alien characters like Tali and Mordin while introducing new diverse squadmates can elevate the storytelling and character dynamics in Mass Effect 4.

Mass Effect unfolds in a vast universe teeming with diversity spread across two galaxies. The original Mass Effect game captivated players with humanity's discovery of an intergalactic society where they found themselves at the lowest rung of the social ladder due to the advanced age and establishment of other alien species. Overcoming this barrier was a central theme for Shepard, who delved into the cultures and histories of various alien races through their companions aboard the Normandy.

While the trilogy focused on well-understood and popular alien companions, many other intriguing alien races were overlooked. Mass Effect 4 presents an opportunity to shine a spotlight on these neglected races by incorporating them as squadmates.

Potential Squadmates in Mass Effect 4

Embracing the Overlooked Aliens

Mass Effect 4 has the potential to introduce players to lesser-known alien races, including those discovered in Andromeda. While some races like the vorcha, hanar, and elcor are considered comical and may not fit as companions, there are still fascinating races within the Mass Effect universe that have been underrepresented or entirely excluded. Among them are:

  • Geth
  • Batarians
  • Salarians
  • Drell
  • Angara
  • Quarians

The Batarian Companion

Batarians, in particular, have received minimal representation. Despite their antagonistic role in the series, similar to the geth, including a batarian as a squadmate could offer profound insights into their culture and reshape players' perceptions, much like the impact of the geth companion in Mass Effect 2. Collaboration with batarians, as seen with Garrus' team on Omega, is plausible, and the existence of surviving batarians post-Reaper invasion suggests a viable narrative in Mass Effect 4.

Reviving Beloved Characters in Mass Effect 4

Revisiting the Geth

The geth, another underrepresented group among companions, could be reintroduced in Mass Effect 4, possibly through a concept from Mass Effect 2 involving a reconstructed geth integrated into the consensus. Given the likely canon Destroy ending of Mass Effect 3, reviving the geth with the help of the quarians presents a compelling storyline that avoids wasting their potential.

Celebrating Tali and Mordin's Legacy

While introducing new alien companions, the return of beloved characters like Tali and Mordin can deepen the Mass Effect lore. By featuring aliens from less-explored races, the game gains depth and diversity, countering the monolithic portrayal of batarians and geth. The inclusion of more quarians, salarians, and drell in Mass Effect 4 would not only honor fan favorites but also enhance representation and storytelling within the game universe.