The Most Memorable Loyalty Missions in Mass Effect 2

Discover the standout loyalty missions that have left a lasting impression on Mass Effect 2 players.
The Most Memorable Loyalty Missions in Mass Effect 2


  • Loyalty missions in Mass Effect 2 are essential for ensuring squadmates survive the final Suicide Mission.
  • Top loyalty missions like Samara's and Kasumi's offer unique gameplay experiences and compelling storylines.
  • These missions provide in-depth insights into the characters' backgrounds and motivations, enriching the Mass Effect universe.

While Mass Effect 2's central narrative revolves around the threat posed by the Collectors, a mysterious insectoid species responsible for abducting human colonies, a significant portion of the game involves completing missions related to Shepard's companions. Known as loyalty missions, these quests are pivotal as they determine whether certain characters survive the final Suicide Mission. Hence, it's imperative to complete each of them for players aiming to keep everyone alive until the end.

However, these missions vary widely in quality, with some being brief and forgettable, while others are considered among the best in the entire series. Let's revisit some of the most outstanding loyalty missions featured in Mass Effect 2 and explore the reasons behind their iconic status and enduring appeal.

7 Samara

Samara's Justicar Code Forces Her To Confront Her Incredibly Dangerous Daughter

Adhering to the strict code of the Justicars, Samara is authorized to eliminate individuals deemed dangerous or malevolent. However, when her daughter becomes a target, it unveils a more emotional side to the usually stoic Asari. Samara's daughter, an Ardat-Yakshi, a unique type of Asari, derives pleasure from seducing individuals with sinister charms and subsequently killing them.

In this mission, Shepard acts as bait, needing to casually attract Morinth's attention in an Omega nightclub. Subsequently, specific dialogue options must be chosen to persuade Morinth to invite Shepard to her apartment, culminating in an intense showdown between Samara and her daughter. This mission not only delves into Asari culture but also delivers intense non-combat gameplay.

6 Kasumi

Kasumi's Hunt For Her Graybox Turns The Game Into A Spy-Thriller

Kasumi's mission stands out due to its unique spy-thriller gameplay. In the quest to retrieve her Graybox, a device left by her late lover Keiji, Kasumi and Shepard infiltrate a lavish party hosted by the sardonic billionaire Donovan Hock, where the box is secured in a massive vault.

The mission involves acquiring information, hacking terminals, and stealthily navigating rooms to access the vault, which houses intriguing items such as the Statue of Liberty's head and a statue of Saren from the first game. It culminates in a chaotic gunfight with an airship and an emotional scene where Kasumi rediscovers all the memories she shared with Keiji stored on the Graybox.

5 Grunt

Tuchanka As An Area, And The Thresher Maw Fight, Both Make Grunt's Loyalty Mission A Real Stand-Out

When Grunt displays uncharacteristic irritability and anger on the Normandy, players must take him to Tuchanka, the Krogan homeworld, where he undergoes a rite of passage to join a clan. The mission features thrilling action sequences, particularly the encounter with the Thresher Maw, which players can choose to confront or leave, depending on their weapon strength.

What makes the mission memorable is Tuchanka itself and its Krogan inhabitants. The dilapidated, desolate planet provides rare insights into Krogan society and the devastation wrought upon their species by the Genophage. Despite its brevity, this mission effectively fleshes out Grunt's character and the Krogan as a prominent species in the Mass Effect universe.