Mass Effect 2: The Asari-Krogan Dilemma on Illium

Exploring the decision to assist the asari and the enamored krogan on Illium in Mass Effect 2.
Mass Effect 2: The Asari-Krogan Dilemma on Illium


  • Players face a moral choice between advising the asari to reconcile with the krogan or part ways.
  • The outcome of the Illium assignment impacts the future encounters and storyline in Mass Effect 3.
  • Regardless of the decision, the krogan's love for the asari is revealed in a poignant manner.

Embarking on the Mass Effect journey leads players to a myriad of captivating characters with intricate narratives. By engaging with these characters, players can offer guidance and influence their destinies, shaping the course of their stories.

Enter the tale of Charr and Ereba, a krogan male and an asari female whose relationship has hit a rough patch. Ereba seeks counsel on whether to reconcile with Charr, presenting players with a pivotal decision that will ripple through the characters' lives.

Should the Asari Reunite with the Krogan on Illium?

On the vibrant streets of Illium, Shepard encounters Charr, a krogan soulfully reciting poetry near the Memories of Illium shop. Nearby, an asari lingers, prompting Shepard to delve into the intricacies of their relationship, thus initiating the Illium: Blue Rose of Illium assignment in Mass Effect 2.

The asari divulges that she and Charr parted ways due to uncertainties surrounding his intentions. Krogan often seek asari mates for reproduction, given the genophage's impact on their species. Moreover, the stark longevity gap between krogan and other species adds complexity to such relationships.

Players are faced with the choice of advising the asari to reconcile with Charr or to end their association. Here are the dialogue options that guide players through this moral crossroads:


The fate of this star-crossed duo hinges on convincing the asari to give Charr another chance. Avoiding intervention or swaying the asari to part ways with Charr solidifies their separation. The ramifications of the Illium assignment unfold in Mass Effect 3.

In Mass Effect 3, Shepard stumbles upon Charr's lifeless body in Utukku. Among his possessions lies a heartfelt message, initiating the Citadel: Krogan Dying Message assignment. Regardless of the player's choice in Mass Effect 2, Charr's parting words to the asari convey his genuine affection and intentions, underscoring the depth of his love.