Conquering Pyjaks on Tuchanka in Mass Effect 2

Unveiling a Special Quest for Players on Tuchanka in Mass Effect 2
Conquering Pyjaks on Tuchanka in Mass Effect 2


  • Mastering the Pyjaks Mini-Game
  • Unlocking the Power of Pyjak Meat
  • Engaging in Varren Adventures with Urz

Exploring Tuchanka in Mass Effect 2 introduces players to Ratch, a krogan vendor, and his varren pet, Urz. Ratch owns Ratch's Wares, a shop under constant threat from Pyjaks. To incentivize players, Ratch offers a discount if they help control the Pyjak population near the store.

Discover how to diminish the Pyjak presence on Tuchanka. Besides earning discounts at Ratch's Wares, players can access Pyjak Meat, a valuable item with hidden potential waiting to be uncovered.

Mastering the Pyjaks Mini-Game on Tuchanka

To kick off the Tuchanka: Killing Pyjaks quest from Ratch, players need to head to the defense cannons close to the Chief Scout. Operating the cannon console enables players to engage in the Pyjaks mini-game, a simple yet strategic point-and-shoot challenge in Mass Effect 2.

During the mini-game, timing is crucial as the cannon takes a moment to charge before firing. Players must anticipate Pyjaks' movements and adjust their aim accordingly. By aiming slightly ahead of the Pyjaks' path, players can ensure a successful hit, even if not directly on target.

With three waves to conquer, players must eliminate all Pyjaks before running out of ammo or depleting the food stores' health. Here is the Pyjak count per wave:

  • Wave 1 - 12 Pyjaks
  • Wave 2 - 15 Pyjaks
  • Wave 3 - 18 Pyjaks

Completion of all three waves marks the end of Ratch's quest, unlocking special discounts and the coveted Pyjak meat.

Unlocking the Power of Pyjak Meat

Pyjak meat, described as varrens' favorite delicacy, plays a crucial role. Previously limited to petting Ratch's varren, Urz, players can now feed him with Pyjak meat, available at zero cost.

Feeding Urz in Mass Effect 2 builds trust, leading to new interactions. Subsequently, Urz becomes a loyal companion, accompanying Shepard in the area of Tuchanka. Players can bring Urz to the fighting pit, where they'll discover his prowess as a champion of the sport.

Engage in betting with 500 credits for or against Urz in the pit. With Urz's champion status, victory is likely. In the rare event of defeat, Urz will respawn upon the player's return to Tuchanka.