Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Web-Swinging Glitch Resembles Marvel's Avengers

A peculiar bug in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 leads to an amusing yet frustrating web-swinging experience for one player.
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Web-Swinging Glitch Resembles Marvel's Avengers


  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 delights fans with its captivating story and fresh approach to the Spider-Man universe.
  • Some players encounter comical bugs, like a sluggish and awkward web-swinging animation, adding a humorous twist to the game.
  • Rumors hint at a potential Venom game in development, with anticipated releases speculated until 2028, sparking excitement among franchise enthusiasts.

An amusing yet vexing bug was stumbled upon by a Marvel's Spider-Man 2 player during a web-swinging escapade in the game. Despite being available for approximately three months, numerous players, while striving for 100% completion, continue to stumble upon glitches and bugs that contribute to an entertaining Spider-Man 2 experience.

Debuting in October 2023, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 proved to be a resounding success for Sony and Insomniac Games, earning acclaim as a valuable addition to the already well-received PlayStation series. The storyline, particularly its focus on a traditional antagonist/anti-hero and its innovative portrayal of the Spider-Man mythos, has garnered praise from many enthusiasts. With the expectations set by both the main narrative and its side quests, fans eagerly anticipate further compelling content exploring these narratives in the near future.

Uncovering the Peculiar Spider-Man 2 Bug Affecting Web-Swinging

Redditor Intrepid_Pear3320 shared a video capturing their gameplay, showcasing Spider-Man swinging across the map. In the footage, Spider-Man plunges headfirst into an arch above railroad tracks while executing a typical web-swing. Despite the character avoiding any fall-related damage, subsequent attempts at web-swinging reveal Spider-Man's movement to be sluggish and awkward, pausing to discharge individual webs instead of the typical smooth and seamless motion.

Intrepid_Pear3320 and other Redditors, in their comments on the post, humorously draw parallels between the animation and the slow, clumsy swinging experienced in Marvel's Avengers. The exclusive PlayStation DLC character in 2022, Spider-Man in Marvel's Avengers, similarly encountered amusing glitches, compounding the issues with his mobility. Some also likened it to the Spider-Man games on the PlayStation 2, an era when the web-slinging mechanics were notably different from the present.

Discussing traversal mechanics, some enthusiasts advocate for the next phase in the evolution of in-game mobility, beginning with the speculated next spinoff. Venom, newly introduced in the Insomniac universe in Spider-Man 2, exhibits the ability to grow wings due to the alien symbiote's shape-shifting capabilities. As a result, players express a desire to witness actual flight in Marvel's Venom, distinct from the web wings' gliding mechanism introduced in Spider-Man 2. While actual flight may not necessarily surpass gliding, it presents an intriguing prospect.

Information gleaned from a recent ransomware breach on Insomniac suggests that the Venom game is anticipated to launch in 2025. Speculations also point to additional projects planned up to 2028, potentially culminating in Marvel's Spider-Man 3 for the PlayStation 6, projected to debut in the same year. Despite the premature exposure of Insomniac's plans, these rumors have already ignited anticipation among numerous fans for the future, even though they may not all come to fruition.