Crafting a Last of Us-inspired Roguelike Mode for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Exploring the potential of integrating The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's roguelike mechanics into Marvel's Spider-Man 2.
Crafting a Last of Us-inspired Roguelike Mode for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


  • Marvel's Spider-Man 2 could benefit from adapting a roguelike mode inspired by The Last of Us, offering modified challenges and intense boss fights with iconic villains.
  • The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's No Return roguelike mode leverages its selection of locations, characters, and intense gameplay mechanics, providing a template for potential adaptation in Marvel's Spider-Man 2.
  • Insomniac's focus on single-player games presents an opportunity for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to incorporate a similar extracurricular game mode, following the cancellation of its multiplayer title.

Roguelike gameplay mechanics have recently made their way into two of PlayStation's flagship titles, and the trend may continue to influence other franchises. While games like God of War and The Last of Us have not ventured into live-service multiplayer initiatives, the successful integration of roguelikes into these titles opens up possibilities for other franchises, including Marvel's Spider-Man 2.

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's No Return roguelike mode benefits from its ability to select locations and characters, while its intense and thrilling mechanics provide a formidable gameplay experience. This success paves the way for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 to potentially adopt a roguelike mode inspired by The Last of Us, offering modifications and challenges to elevate encounters and incorporate boss fights with iconic villains.

Insomniac's Plate is Full Following Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Marvel’s Spider-Man Had an Online Game Canceled

Insomniac's previous development of a multiplayer title for the Marvel's Spider-Man franchise, although canceled due to a ransomware hack, indicates the potential for the inclusion of a similar extracurricular game mode in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. With Insomniac's current focus on single-player games, the incorporation of such a mode seems feasible and in line with the studio's direction.

While the absence of explicit references to Wolverine in-game may be surprising, Insomniac's efficiency and dedication to their craft leave the door open for various possibilities within the Marvel’s Spider-Man universe.

How Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Could Adapt Its Gameplay in a Roguelike Mode

The simplified stealth mechanics in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 could be enhanced in a potential roguelike mode, introducing modified challenges and restrictions to intensify encounters. By drawing inspiration from The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's No Return, the roguelike mode could provide a more formidable and diverse gameplay experience, potentially limiting gadget use or disabling certain abilities to heighten the challenge.

While the current roster of playable characters may limit the immediate implementation of a roguelike mode, Insomniac's potential inclusion of additional characters in future iterations presents an opportunity to expand the gameplay diversity. Furthermore, the adaptation of boss fights in a roguelike mode could introduce a range of iconic villains, enriching the overall experience and providing a fresh take on encounters within the Marvel’s Spider-Man universe.