Mastering Cannonball: A Deck Strategy Guide

Unleash the potential of Cannonball in Marvel Snap by crafting a versatile deck that excels in movement and control tactics.
Mastering Cannonball: A Deck Strategy Guide


  • Discover the optimal deck composition for Cannonball
  • Learn how to effectively play Cannonball in different roles
  • Explore counter-strategies to thwart Cannonball's disruptive moves

Cannonball is a standout card in Marvel Snap, known for its unique ability to shake up the battlefield by relocating or destroying enemy cards. In this guide, we delve into crafting a powerful deck specifically designed around Cannonball, also known as Samuel Guthrie.

Crafting the Perfect Cannonball Deck

To fully leverage Cannonball's potential, consider building a hybrid deck that combines movement and control strategies. Pair Cannonball with cards like Kraven, Kingpin, and others to create a synergistic lineup that dominates the battlefield.

Key synergies within the deck include:

  • Utilize Kraven and Miles Morales to capitalize on movements triggered by Cannonball and other supporting cards.
  • Combine Kingpin's disruptive abilities with Cannonball's relocation effect for maximum impact.
  • Introduce Jean Grey for added control, compelling opponents to adapt their gameplay.
  • Balance the Energy requirements with Hope Summers, ensuring a sustainable playstyle.
  • Enhance overall destruction with Shang-Chi as a tech card.
  • Employ Magneto as a potent win condition.

Mastering Cannonball's Gameplay

When deploying Cannonball, adapt his role based on the battlefield's needs. Use him as a mover to strategically reposition key enemy cards, as a clogger to block enemy advances, or as a destroyer when paired with other disruptive characters. This versatility ensures Cannonball remains a pivotal asset in various scenarios.

Strategies to Counter Cannonball

Defeating Cannonball requires foresight and strategic planning. While Cosmos can counter his disruptive moves, utilizing movement-focused archetypes like Kraven can also effectively neutralize his impact. By leveraging cards that benefit from enemy movements, you can turn Cannonball's abilities against your opponent.

Evaluating Cannonball's Value

Despite its initial allure, Cannonball struggles to justify its high cost in the current meta. The card's limited synergies and lack of flexibility often hinder its effectiveness on the battlefield. Players frequently find themselves underwhelmed by Cannonball's performance, as other cards offer similar abilities more efficiently. Consider these factors when evaluating Cannonball's role in your deck strategy.