Marvel Rivals: Why Morbius Memes Deserve a Spot in the Roster

Exploring the potential of adding the notorious Morbius character to the Marvel Rivals game lineup.
Marvel Rivals: Why Morbius Memes Deserve a Spot in the Roster


  • Marvel Rivals could benefit from introducing lesser-known characters like Morbius to infuse freshness and meme potential into the game.
  • Incorporating Morbius could lead to entertaining in-game content such as unique emotes, enriching the character's depth and appeal.
  • By embracing the Morbius memes, Marvel Rivals can tap into a humorous and engaging aspect that resonates with fans, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Marvel Rivals, an upcoming 6v6 hero-shooter, aims to assemble a diverse cast of iconic Marvel heroes for thrilling combat encounters. While the roster boasts familiar faces like Iron Man and Loki, there's an opportunity to introduce a character with meme potential that has captured the internet's attention.

One character notably absent from Marvel Rivals is Morbius, a lesser-known yet popular figure in Marvel lore. Including characters like Morbius can add a unique flavor to the game and cater to fans who appreciate obscure heroes.

Unleashing Morbius's Meme Magic

The internet frenzy surrounding Sony's 'Morbius' movie, plagued by numerous delays before its eventual release in 2022, birthed a humorous catchphrase, 'It's Morbin' time.' Embracing Morbius in Marvel Rivals could tap into this meme culture, injecting fun and light-heartedness into the gameplay.

Embracing Morbius's Quirky Side

Morbius's character as a vampire antihero presents intriguing storytelling opportunities. By incorporating Morbius into Marvel Rivals, the game can leverage the character's meme status to create engaging in-game content, like special emotes featuring his iconic catchphrase.

While balancing immersion with humor is crucial, integrating Morbius and his memes can add a refreshing and entertaining element to the game, resonating with a wide audience of Marvel enthusiasts.

Future Prospects for Morbius in Marvel

Despite the mixed reception of Morbius in the cinematic universe, his meme-worthy status offers a chance for Marvel Rivals to connect with fans on a playful level. With a roster that can evolve post-launch, there's ample room for characters like Morbius to shine and undergo reinterpretation within the game's framework.

As Marvel Rivals continues to expand its character lineup beyond the initial heroes, the inclusion of meme-inspired elements aligns with the game's light-hearted tone. Balancing humor with character development will be key in ensuring Morbius's integration adds value without compromising the game's essence.