Marvel Games Sound Design Evolution Revealed by Game Audio Designer

Game Rant interviews Gary Miranda, the audio designer for Fortnite and Insomniac's Marvel games, about the evolution of sound design in the gaming industry.
Marvel Games Sound Design Evolution Revealed by Game Audio Designer


  • Marvel games now have the freedom to create their own unique sound effects, diverging from sounds used in the films.
  • The game audio industry has become more accessible, allowing passionate newcomers to enter the field with affordable software and readily available knowledge.
  • The merging of technical abilities and creative design has revolutionized game audio, fostering greater growth and a larger pool of skilled audio designers in the industry.

Over the past few decades, game audio has undergone significant evolution, with the soundtracks and sound effects of Marvel video games rivaling those of their Hollywood counterparts. While the creativity and technical aspects of the music and sound from earlier game generations remain impressive, the industry has seen substantial advancements in sound quality and the tools available to audio designers like Gary Miranda.

With over 15 years of professional experience in game audio, Gary Miranda has witnessed firsthand the transformation of audio design, especially in how games within the Marvel franchise approach sound design. In an exclusive interview with Game Rant, he delved into the increased freedom that games in the franchise have to deviate from the sounds used in the films and create their own unique game sound effects. He also highlighted the growing involvement of audio designers in the development process, beyond their traditional roles on the creative side.

Marvel Games No Longer Need to Be Based on Movies

During Gary Miranda's tenure working on Marvel tie-in games in the 2000s, audio designers were typically expected to work with audio assets directly from the films. For an audio designer, this could be extremely limiting, as numerous hours of video game content naturally require far greater sound variety than a 90-minute film. However, skilled audio designers could employ various techniques to work with a limited set of sounds, despite the challenge.

Although there isn't an official Marvel Games Universe, it's evident that the games now stand apart from the Marvel films and even from each other. Games like Midnight Suns have significantly more freedom to experiment and establish their own identities, characters, and soundscapes compared to the older movie tie-ins of the 2000s.

The Game Audio Industry Has Become More Accessible

Similar to how independent game developers can now captivate millions from their bedrooms, audio design has also become a profession that is increasingly accessible to enthusiastic newcomers. The necessary software is often substantially more affordable than a fully equipped physical setup once was, and a wealth of knowledge is freely available on platforms like YouTube and across the internet. This accessibility has empowered audio designers to become more integrated in the development process, collaborating directly with developers and engines to implement and fine-tune new sounds.

Injected Senses Audio, the company of Gary Miranda, serves as living proof of this accessibility: a small team of passionate sound designers and audio engineers has repeatedly demonstrated their capability while working on sound for major titles such as Fortnite and Insomniac's Marvel games. With fewer barriers for aspiring creators, the industry now benefits from a larger pool of talent compared to a few decades ago.