The Unbreakable Bonds of Mark Grayson and His Friends in Invincible

Discover the key friendships that shape the life of Mark Grayson, the invincible superhero.
The Unbreakable Bonds of Mark Grayson and His Friends in Invincible


  • Invincible, the Amazon Prime animated show, has gained popularity due to its refreshing take on the superhero narrative and its comic book origins.
  • The series follows Mark Grayson, aka Invincible, as he navigates his newfound powers and juggles between being a superhero and a regular high school student.
  • Mark forms crucial friendships with characters like Rex Splode, Robot, and Atom Eve, who provide unwavering support in his ongoing battles against formidable villains.

The animated series Invincible on Amazon Prime Video has been making waves due to its unique narrative and comic book origins. Adapted from the comic of the same name created by Robert Kirkman, John Rauch, and Ryan Ottley, Invincible revolves around Mark Grayson, also known as Invincible. Mark undergoes the process of developing his superhero powers under the guidance of his father, Omni-Man, who harbors a secret agenda to conquer Earth for his race, the Viltrumites.

Mark's journey introduces him to a multitude of friends, many of whom are instrumental in helping him navigate his dual life as a superhero and high school student. As he increasingly becomes involved in the superhero community, he also forges new friendships in his high school, leading to a balancing act that strains some of his closest relationships.

7 Rex Splode

Mark's Overconfident Friend

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 2

In Invincible, Rex is a member of the Guardians of the Globe and was previously part of the Teen Team alongside Atom Eve and Robot. Initially, Rex exhibits hostility towards Mark, but his attitude changes when he witnesses Mark's prowess in battle. After Mark comes to Rex's aid during an ordeal with Monster Girl, their bond solidifies. Later, when Mark is in trouble, Rex is among the group of heroes who come to his rescue, demonstrating his loyalty to Mark.

6 Robot/Rudy

The Smartest Man Alive Is Logically Mark's Friend

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 2

As one of the current Guardians of the Globe, Robot initially leads the team. His friendship with Mark begins when Mark assists the Teen Team. Despite Mark declining Robot's invitation to join the Guardians of the Globe, Robot recognizes Mark's potential. When Robot assumes a new human form named Rudy, along with the other Guardians of the Globe members, he watches over Mark's safety during a confrontation with Omni-Man.

5 Cecil

Mark's Mentor and Boss

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 2

As the head of the Global Defense Agency, Cecil collaborates with superheroes such as the Guardians of the Globe and Omni-Man. Following the tragic demise of the Guardians of the Globe, Cecil becomes suspicious of Mark's father. This suspicion leads to a partnership between Mark and Cecil as they work together, with Cecil recognizing Mark's potential to aid in the superhero crisis. After Omni-Man's departure, Cecil takes Mark under his wing, preparing him for a significant role in Earth's defense.

4 Allen The Alien

Mark's Intergalactic Ally

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 2

In a typical display of intergalactic relations often seen in animated shows, Mark befriends Allen the Alien, who shares his aversion towards the Viltrumites. Initially perceived as a potential threat to Earth, Allen and Mark eventually establish mutual respect. Their conversations primarily revolve around the Viltrumites and their respective planets. Allen's presence becomes critical when he warns Mark about a potential Viltrumite invasion, strengthening Mark's resolve in the fight against them.

3 Atom Eve

Mark's Closest Superhero Ally

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 2

Atom Eve, portrayed by Gillian Jacobs, is Mark's first superhero ally, uniting with him in battles against the Flaxans. Their shared experiences extend beyond heroic acts, as they navigate the challenges of high school life together. Their mutual reliance on each other's guidance and support brings them closer, with Eve even forming connections with Mark's girlfriend, Amber, and their friend, Will.

2 Amber

Mark's Partner in Love and Justice

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 1

Amber isn't just a friend but also Mark's girlfriend. Their relationship encounters various challenges due to Mark's concealed identity as a superhero. Despite the turmoil caused by Mark's responsibilities, Amber displays unwavering support, standing by him even after Omni-Man's brutal assault. In the following season, their relationship matures further, culminating in Mark confiding in Amber about his alter ego. As they enter the same college alongside Will, their bond continues to strengthen against the backdrop of Mark's duties as a defender of Earth.

1 Will

Mark's Trusted Companion

  • Debut: Season 1, Episode 1

William Clockwell, or Will, stands as Mark's closest confidant in Invincible. Their friendship, rooted in their high school days, sees them offering mutual support and guidance through life's trials. Mark's trust in Will deepens, evident in Will being among the select few aware of Mark's true identity as Invincible. As they transition into college alongside Amber, their bond continues to flourish, serving as a pillar of strength as they mature together.