The Ever-Changing Legacy of Mario vs. Donkey Kong

Exploring the perplexing narrative twists in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series and the enigmatic evolution of Donkey Kong's character.
The Ever-Changing Legacy of Mario vs. Donkey Kong


  • The 2024 remake of Mario vs. Donkey Kong honors the original game while infusing it with new content and modern updates, maintaining the iconic Mario-Donkey Kong relationship.
  • The convoluted lore surrounding Mario vs. Donkey Kong includes the lineage of Donkey Kong, with the modern DK being portrayed as a villain despite his heroic status in other series.
  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong adds another layer of complexity by featuring the same DK from the Donkey Kong Country series, blurring the lines between adversaries and allies.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong stands out as an anomaly in the gaming world, particularly in the year 2024. Its distinctive puzzle-platformer gameplay not only sets it apart from the Mario franchise but also adds to the intricate web of Mario's lore. This game occupies a peculiar niche in the long-standing history of Mario and Donkey Kong.

The 2024 rendition of Mario vs. Donkey Kong remains remarkably true to the original, incorporating minor contemporary touches and fresh content. This approach preserves the captivating dynamic between Mario and Donkey Kong established in the initial release. Despite numerous references to the classic Donkey Kong arcade games, including familiar obstacles and stage designs, the Donkey Kong in this game sports a pointed head and a red tie reminiscent of the modern Donkey Kong Country appearance.

The Intriguing Tale of Mario vs. Donkey Kong

The Mario vs. Donkey Kong series' portrayal of Donkey Kong as an antagonist, along with nods to the DK arcade games, adds another layer to the saga of Donkey Kong. The version of Donkey Kong with a pointed head and tie is actually the grandson of the original Donkey Kong from the 1981 arcade game. According to the narrative established in 1994's Donkey Kong Country, the 1981 Kong is identified as a younger iteration of Cranky Kong in the game. This intricate family lineage has undergone multiple retcons but remains decipherable.

The Origin of Donkey Kong's Legacy

The initial storyline suggests that the arcade Donkey Kong is the grandfather of the modern Donkey Kong, who made his debut in 1994's Donkey Kong Country (thus making the protagonist of Donkey Kong Jr. the father of the modern DK). The elderly Kong featured in Donkey Kong Country is known as 'Cranky Kong.' The family tree progresses from Cranky Kong/Arcade Donkey Kong to Donkey Kong Jr. and finally to the Donkey Kong with the iconic red tie and pointed head.

Adding to the complexity, in 1994, the release of Donkey Kong '94 preceded the original Mario vs. Donkey Kong by a decade. This Game Boy title initially replicates the arcade game's early levels before introducing a mix of diverse gameplay styles in subsequent levels. Despite resembling the modern DK, this version of Donkey Kong kidnaps Pauline and replicates Cranky Kong's actions from 1981. Interestingly, a 1994 Nintendo Online article suggests that this DK is, in fact, Cranky Kong, despite the visual similarities to the contemporary DK.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong and the Cinematic Twist

Adding to the narrative complexity, the Mario vs. Donkey Kong series portrays modern DK as the antagonist, contrasting with his heroic portrayal in the Donkey Kong Country series, where he embarks on solo adventures unrelated to Mario. Modern DK typically collaborates with Mario in sports, Mario Kart, and Mario Party games as a friendly competitor. However, in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, the same DK from the Country series assumes the role of the central antagonist.

Further muddling the Mario-DK relationship, The Super Mario Bros. Movie showcases the unlikely alliance between the two characters. Additionally, it designates modern DK as the son of Cranky Kong, effectively omitting DK Jr. from the equation. Nintendo's tendency to embrace a flexible timeline across its franchises often results in intriguing narrative twists, especially in the enduring legacy of Donkey Kong.