Mario vs. Donkey Kong's Innovative Approach to Ice Levels

Discover how Mario vs. Donkey Kong sets a new standard for ice levels in platformer games.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong's Innovative Approach to Ice Levels


  • Experience new ice worlds like Merry Mini-Land and Slippery Summit in Mario vs. Donkey Kong's 2024 remake.
  • Slippery Summit cleverly integrates ice physics into puzzles, turning them into engaging challenges.
  • Short and dynamic levels in the ice world of Mario vs. Donkey Kong keep gameplay exciting and prevent frustration.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong's 2024 remake introduces fresh content to elevate the original 2004 GBA title. Among the new worlds, one particular area stands out, successfully tackling a common challenge faced by most platformer games.

Alongside the existing content, Mario vs. Donkey Kong features two additional worlds: Merry Mini-Land and Slippery Summit. These new worlds offer six levels each, a guiding level, and a boss stage. Merry Mini-Land is themed around a carnival, incorporating wind gusts and teleporter blocks into its puzzles. In contrast, Slippery Summit presents an ice world—a classic theme in Mario games.

A Fresh Take on Ice Levels

Ice levels are notorious for being frustrating in platformer games. Similar to water levels that often slow down the gameplay, ice levels with slippery terrains can be equally challenging. Games like Crash Bandicoot have showcased the perils of ice physics, and even Mario games have struggled with this issue. However, Mario vs. Donkey Kong manages to turn the tables by integrating ice physics seamlessly into gameplay, transforming them into engaging puzzles rather than annoying obstacles.

Integrating Ice Physics Into Puzzles

The initial stages of Slippery Summit demonstrate the clever use of ice physics. Players are challenged to slide a present box through a narrow gap, requiring strategic thinking and experimentation. The game gradually introduces mechanics like sliding items on ice, turning them into key elements of puzzle-solving. This gradual learning curve mirrors the approach of the best Mario games, providing a safe environment for players to master new mechanics before facing more complex challenges.

Subsequent levels in Slippery Summit expand on these concepts, incorporating Mario vs. Donkey Kong's parkour elements. Bonus challenges demand precise utilization of ice physics, such as navigating spiked areas by crouching and sliding on ice to reach hidden items. The game's minimalist design ensures that every element in a level serves a purpose, emphasizing the strategic use of ice physics as a core gameplay mechanic.

Dynamic and Engaging Gameplay

One of the key strengths of the ice levels in Mario vs. Donkey Kong is their brevity. Unlike many platformer games with lengthy levels, this title opts for short and dynamic stages, typically divided into two sections that can be completed in a single screen or slightly more. This concise design prevents frustration and maintains a high level of engagement throughout the gameplay.

For instance, the boss battle in Slippery Summit presents a challenging encounter. As Mario navigates the icy terrain, players must contend with spiked barrels while strategically using regular barrels to defeat Donkey Kong. With Mario having six hit points compared to Donkey Kong's four, the duel is intense but brief, offering a quick-paced challenge for perfectionists aiming for a flawless run.