Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Co-Op Multiplayer Guide

Learn how to set up and enjoy a two-player game with friends in Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Co-Op Multiplayer Guide


  • Discover how to activate Two-Player Mode in Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
  • Understand the dynamics of multiplayer gameplay with Mario and Toad.
  • Uncover additional challenges and benefits of playing in Two-Player Mode.

Fans of Mario vs. Donkey Kong face various puzzles of varying complexities. While some levels offer quick solutions, others demand more effort. Having a partner in multiplayer mode can aid in conquering the tougher challenges together.

Fortunately, Mario vs. Donkey Kong features a Two-Player Mode for fans to enjoy the game alongside a friend. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up local co-op multiplayer in Mario vs. Donkey Kong.

Setting Up Mario vs. Donkey Kong Two-Player Mode

To engage Two-Player Mode in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, players need to select the Controllers option from the Main Menu screen and set up an additional controller. If already in a level, connecting a paired controller to the console and pressing L+R or SL+SR will bring the second player into the game. Toad will appear in a bubble and float towards Player 1. Players can also pause the game and connect a controller from the Controllers menu.

To exit Two-Player Mode in Mario vs. Donkey Kong, players should press "-" on the Level Selection menu. A confirmation prompt will appear; pressing OK will disconnect the second player. Alternatively, players can choose the Controllers option in the Pause menu and reconnect only one controller, though this will restart the level.

Understanding Multiplayer Mode in Mario vs. Donkey Kong

In Two-Player Mode, Player 1 controls Mario, while Player 2 takes on the role of Toad. Both characters share the same moves and controls, ensuring a balanced gameplay experience.

Players can utilize a unique tactic in Two-Player Mode to achieve higher jumps by hopping on their partner's head, providing a significant boost. Moreover, when one player gets hit, they lose a life without restarting the level if the other player remains alive. This feature allows seamless gameplay progression, especially in challenging levels, enabling players to take turns advancing without restarts.

In Two-Player Mode, players need to collect the same items as in single-player mode but with an additional twist. They must locate a small grey key before obtaining the golden key to unlock the door. This added challenge adds depth to the cooperative gameplay experience.