Study Reveals Top Character and Vehicle Combo in Mario Kart 8

Discover the ultimate racer and customizable vehicle combination according to a recent study on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
Study Reveals Top Character and Vehicle Combo in Mario Kart 8


  • Find out the most efficient racer and vehicle combo in Mario Kart 8.
  • Learn how data analysis led to uncovering the optimal playstyle choices in the game.
  • Understand why Princess Peach with the Teddy Buggy is considered the best combo for pro players.

A recent study on Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has pinpointed the ideal combination of playable character and customizable vehicle build, identifying Peach with a Teddy Buggy as the most optimal choice. In the Mario Kart series, certain playable characters have historically outperformed others, based on factors like top speed, acceleration, and handling on the track, creating character tiers. Traditionally, heavyweight characters like Bowser and Funky Kong have been popular among expert Mario Kart players due to their performance advantages.

In Mario Kart 8, players can customize their racer and vehicle using earned in-game parts, offering a wide range of possible builds. Despite the variety, one study claims to have identified the best racer and vehicle combination for the game. Data scientist Antoine Mayerowitz conducted this study using the Pareto principle to narrow down the extensive list of character and vehicle options, focusing on acceleration or speed-oriented playstyles.

Optimal Mario Kart 8 Combo

While heavyweights excel in top speed but lack acceleration, Mayerowitz sought a balanced character. Cat Peach emerged as the perfect choice, with alternatives like Female Villager, Inkling Girl, or Diddy Kong, surpassing racers such as Koopa. The study further refined the selection to 585 unique builds with distinct speed and acceleration attributes, with 14 deemed the most efficient, particularly in mini turbo acceleration. Ultimately, Princess Peach with the Teddy Buggy bike, roller tiers, and the Cloud glider emerged as the top combination.

This preferred build aligns with the choice of many professional Mario Kart 8 players. However, individual preferences may vary, with options like Donkey Kong or Wario also proving effective. The research highlights the trade-offs involved in selecting the most suitable character and vehicle combo based on specific racing priorities.