Missed Opportunity: Mario vs. Donkey Kong's Remake Could Have Modernized Escort Missions

The 2024 remake of Mario vs. Donkey Kong missed a golden chance to update the escort missions, a weaker aspect of the original game's content.
Missed Opportunity: Mario vs. Donkey Kong's Remake Could Have Modernized Escort Missions


  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong introduced modern features like extra worlds, co-op play, and a Casual mode for easier accessibility.
  • The post-game escort missions in the remake lacked modern enhancements, leaving players wanting for a more satisfying experience.
  • The behavior of Mini-Marios in escort missions is erratic and inconsistent, leading to frustration among players.

Mario vs. Donkey Kong has made significant strides in modernizing the 2004 classic it's based on. Yet, a crucial element from the original post-game content has been somewhat overlooked in the remake.

The remake of Mario vs. Donkey Kong brings in several modern conveniences. This includes additional content such as extra worlds and a time attack mode, along with the option for cooperative play and a Casual mode. The Casual mode provides players with extra hit points, unlimited time, and checkpoints, making the game more accessible. The co-op feature allows a second player to join as Toad, enabling them to navigate through narrow gaps and trigger special events in levels.

Reimagining Post-Game Escort Missions in Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2024

One area where the remake missed the mark is in updating the core concept of the post-game content. After completing the initial eight worlds, players unlock 48 additional puzzle levels ('+' worlds, with six for each world). These levels offer quick, single-screen stages, departing from the usual dual-screen format. The gameplay shifts to Mini-guiding stages seen before boss fights in the main worlds. However, the escort mission involving guiding a Mini-Mario holding a key to the exit remains largely unchanged and could have benefited from modern revisions.

The Challenges with Escort Missions

Escort missions, a feature popularized by games like Resident Evil 4, are often a source of frustration for players. These missions limit player control by introducing AI companions that can act independently. Unlike solo missions where players take responsibility for their actions, AI companions can make irrational decisions, leading to their demise. This lack of control can be infuriating for players.

Inconsistent Mini-Marios

While the escort missions in Mario vs. Donkey Kong can be engaging, there are issues to address. The concept of these missions is intriguing as they transform existing stages, offering a fresh gameplay experience. However, the behavior of the Mini-Marios needs improvement. These miniature characters, while adorable, are overly sensitive to Mario's movements. A slight misstep from the player can result in a Mini-Mario plunging into danger. Balancing control between two characters in intricate puzzles becomes challenging with the erratic behavior of Mini-Marios. Enhancing their self-preservation instincts could have elevated the gaming experience without compromising the puzzle-solving aspect.

Addressing Inconsistencies in Mini-Marios

Mini-Marios in the game often exhibit unpredictable behavior. They may successfully navigate a gap in one instance but fail in another. Their movements vary inconsistently, posing a challenge to players trying to anticipate their actions. This inconsistency, coupled with their sensitivity, makes Mini-Marios one of the game's most frustrating elements. For the game's unique puzzles to shine, a consistent and reliable set of mechanics is essential.