Manor Lords: Top Backyard Improvements for Your Village

Discover the essential backyard extensions that can enhance your village in Manor Lords and provide vital goods and services for your residents.
Manor Lords: Top Backyard Improvements for Your Village


  • Essential backyard extensions like the Blacksmith's Workshop and Cobbler's Workshop are crucial for providing goods and services in Manor Lords.
  • A diverse range of backyard extensions, such as the Brewery or Chicken Coop, is essential for a prosperous village in Manor Lords.
  • Vegetable Gardens play a key role in ensuring a stable food supply, while workshops like the Brewery contribute to trade and resident satisfaction.

Manor Lords captures the essence of medieval life by emphasizing the utilization of backyard space in villages. Burgage Plots serve as foundational structures in Manor Lords, providing homes for settlers and enabling families to generate additional goods through backyard extensions. By extending Burgage Plots sufficiently, players can add diverse backyard extensions, indicated by a hammer symbol under a roof during construction.

These extensions cater to various needs, expanding the village's goods repertoire with exclusive items. While all backyard extensions require time and resources for construction, some are exclusive to Level 2 Burgage Plots or unlocked through specific development milestones. To foster a thriving village in Manor Lords, a broad range of backyard extensions is essential, each offering unique benefits.

6 Blacksmith's Workshop

Crafting Melee Weapons for Defense

In Manor Lords, constructing the Blacksmith's Workshop is crucial for villages with combat enabled, as it is the sole facility for crafting melee weapons necessary for militia defense and territorial expansion.

Players must manually select the weapon type to produce in the Blacksmith's Workshop, aligning with different unit requirements. This selection can be made in the General tab by clicking on the Workshop.

5 Cobbler's Workshop

Crafting Exportable Shoes for Wealth Generation

Among Manor Lords' workshops, the Cobbler's Workshop stands out for producing shoes from Tannery leather. To install this workshop, players must first upgrade to a Level 2 Burgage Plot.

The high demand and selling price of shoes in Manor Lords' trade system make shoe production lucrative. Additionally, keeping shoes in the village boosts resident happiness, especially among higher-tier house occupants.

4 Goat Shed

Reliable Source of Hides Production

Although initially less critical than Chicken Coops or Vegetable Gardens, Goat Sheds become essential early on as a primary hide source, crucial for leather production at the Tannery.

The compact nature of Goat Sheds makes them space-efficient, requiring minimal backyard area. This feature, coupled with the sustainability of hide production, makes Goat Sheds a valuable addition to villages.