Manor Lords Tips: Relocating and Demolishing Buildings

Discover how to efficiently adjust your settlement in Manor Lords by moving or demolishing buildings.
Manor Lords Tips: Relocating and Demolishing Buildings


  • Learn how to relocate buildings to optimize your city layout.
  • Understand the process of demolishing structures for strategic rebuilding.
  • Maximize efficiency by planning ahead in Manor Lords.

Constructing the ideal settlement in Manor Lords involves strategic decisions, especially when it comes to relocating or removing buildings that no longer serve your town efficiently.

Whether you need to enhance productivity or improve the overall look of your city, Manor Lords offers options to move most structures to new locations or demolish and rebuild them from scratch. However, these actions require careful planning to utilize your workforce effectively.

How to Efficiently Relocate Buildings

When designing your city layout in Manor Lords, consider factors like terrain fertility, water sources, and available resources. For optimal efficiency, place Gathering buildings near relevant sources like forests to reduce worker travel time.

If you need to move a building, simply click on it to access the primary menu. Locate the Relocate button (Arrow Cross symbol) in the upper right corner, choose a new spot, and initiate construction. Ensure unassigned workers are available and set construction priority to 'Highest' for faster completion.

Strategically Demolishing Structures

Some buildings like Logging Camps can be relocated, but others such as Sheep Farms or Storehouses must be demolished and rebuilt. Demolishing a structure returns all building supplies to your inventory. Click on the building, select Demolish, and then rebuild at a new location.

After demolition, rebuild strategically by considering the map layout and placing crucial structures thoughtfully. This approach ensures optimal functionality and efficiency in your evolving city in Manor Lords.