Mastering Rooftiles in Manor Lords

Discover the key strategies to efficiently obtain and utilize rooftiles in Manor Lords for optimal growth.
Mastering Rooftiles in Manor Lords


  • Learn the importance of rooftiles in Manor Lords and how they impact your town's development.
  • Explore effective methods to gather clay resources and produce rooftiles in the game.
  • Understand where and how to strategically use rooftiles to maximize your town's potential in Manor Lords.

Manor Lords introduces players to a world of resource management where certain resources like rooftiles hold significant value. While basic structures rely on logs and mid-tier buildings require planks and stones, the top-tier constructions demand rooftiles, also known as clay tiles.

To secure a steady supply of rooftiles, players must invest in specific buildings and ensure their region has access to clay. Although clay can be obtained through trade, self-gathering remains the more cost-effective option. While clay itself serves no purpose in Manor Lords, the rooftiles crafted from it play a crucial role in expanding and enhancing your towns.

Acquiring Clay Resources

To begin collecting clay, players must construct a Mining Pit building from the Mining tab in the menu, distinguished by a pickaxe icon. Placing the Mining Pit on a clay or iron deposit is essential for its functionality, unlike other resource-gathering structures. While a standard clay deposit holds a few hundred units, richer deposits contain thousands. Unlocking the Deep Mine upgrade ensures continuous clay production from a rich deposit even after surface resources deplete.

If starting in a clay-deprived region or depleting a regular deposit, clay can be obtained through trade. However, frequent imports can strain finances, emphasizing the need for trade exports to balance regional wealth.

Producing Rooftiles

Converting raw clay into rooftiles involves using a Clay Furnace found in the industry building tab. While the furnace requires monthly fuel, additional workers do not increase fuel consumption. Peasant families operating the furnace automatically extract clay from pits or local storage and transform it into rooftiles at a one-to-one ratio. The produced rooftiles are stored for further use.

Strategic Rooftile Utilization

Rooftiles play a crucial role in upgrading key structures in Manor Lords, notably:

  • Upgrading a Burgage Plot to level 3 requires four rooftiles.
  • Transitioning a Wooden Church to a Small Stone Church, a prerequisite for Burgage Plot level 3, demands 10 rooftiles.

While the use of clay tiles is limited in the game, their benefits are substantial. Level 3 Burgage Plots enhance regional wealth generation, accommodate more worker families, and facilitate settlement level upgrades, unlocking new buildings and abilities. Strategically integrating a clay industry as your town expands is crucial for long-term success in Manor Lords.