Mastering Roads in Manor Lords

Understanding the crucial role of roads in Manor Lords and how to effectively manage them.
Mastering Roads in Manor Lords


  • Roads are vital for resident productivity and establishment operation.
  • Constructing roads is cost-free and customizable in Manor Lords.
  • Deleting roads is a strategic decision to optimize resources and development.

Roads in Manor Lords serve as lifelines connecting regions and optimizing resident productivity. These pathways significantly impact settlement growth and efficiency, requiring thoughtful planning for optimal outcomes.

Unlocking the Power of Roads

In Manor Lords, roads are not mere constructions but essential conduits enhancing resident movement speed and operational synergy for various establishments. Apart from functionality, roads offer a canvas for creative design expression, adding aesthetic value to your realm.

However, the strategic placement of roads is critical. Care must be taken to avoid overlapping fertile lands that could otherwise support vital crop cultivation, ensuring sustainable economic growth.

Crafting Roads with Precision

Building roads in Manor Lords is a straightforward process, initiated by pressing 'R' to access the construction menu. With no associated costs, you can freely design and extend roads as needed. By marking starting points and utilizing curvature options, you can tailor roads to suit both functionality and visual appeal.

Strategically Removing Roads

When road realignment becomes necessary for progress, Manor Lords allows for seamless road removal. Access the construction menu, select the road to be deleted, and confirm removal by holding 'Alt' while clicking the Left Mouse Button. This strategic choice opens up opportunities for more efficient land utilization and new road constructions to enhance your realm.