Mastering Log Management in Manor Lords

Discover advanced strategies for optimizing log usage in Manor Lords.
Mastering Log Management in Manor Lords


  • Understand the importance of logs in Manor Lords economy
  • Learn efficient ways to manage and store logs
  • Discover tips to prevent running out of timber

In Manor Lords, logs play a crucial role in constructing buildings and producing resources like planks, making them a cornerstone of the game's economy. Unlike other resources, logs require special handling and storage methods, which can be confusing for new players. This guide will delve into the intricacies of log management in Manor Lords to help you maximize their utility.

Acquiring Timber in Manor Lords

Every settlement starts with a limited supply of logs for basic construction. To replenish your log reserves, constructing a Logging Camp is essential. This structure allows your villagers to cut down trees, ensuring a steady supply of timber. Other buildings like the Woodcutter's Lodge and Forester's Hut complement the Logging Camp by processing wood and planting new trees accordingly.

Assigning workers to the Logging Camp is crucial for log production. By managing the Logging Camp menu, you can allocate families to the task of cutting trees. Remember to keep some families unassigned for general construction duties. Additionally, an ox is required to transport logs due to their weight, either to the camp for storage or directly to construction sites.

To streamline operations, consider permanently assigning an ox through the Logging Camp menu to facilitate timber transport. However, keep in mind that this dedicated ox won't be available for other tasks and will occupy a stable slot.

Timber Handling Tips in Manor Lords

Managing timber differs from other resources in several ways:

  • Logs can only be stored at a logging camp, not in other storage buildings.
  • Unlike other resources, logs are not affected by adverse weather conditions when left exposed.
  • Loggers continue cutting trees even if the camp storage is full, leaving logs on the ground for manual collection.
  • Check available timber by hovering over the construction items list to the right of the region name.
  • Trees cleared for construction purposes do not yield logs or firewood.
  • Only oxen are capable of hauling logs; other animals or humans cannot perform this task.
  • Timber cannot be imported or exported, necessitating local tree cutting for replenishment.
  • Customize work areas to control tree cutting and preserve resources like wild animals and berries.

Forest Management and Replenishment

Utilize the Logging Camp's advanced settings to limit work areas, preventing excessive deforestation and protecting valuable resources. By setting a restricted cutting zone, you can safeguard wildlife and berries while maintaining a sustainable logging operation. To expedite tree replenishment, consider overlapping work areas between a Forester's Hut and the Logging Camp for continuous log production.

Forest regeneration occurs naturally, but establishing a Forester's Hut and reforestation efforts can accelerate this process to meet timber demands. Keep in mind the time it takes for trees to mature and the seasonal limitations on planting activities.

Preventing Timber Shortages in Manor Lords

To avoid sudden timber shortages, monitor the Sawpit's construction reserve level to regulate log usage. Adjusting the construction reserve threshold ensures a consistent supply of timber for various construction projects. Periodically review and readjust this value to maintain optimal timber reserves and prevent production bottlenecks.

Efficient log management is essential in Manor Lords to sustain your town's growth and development. By implementing responsible logging practices, controlling work areas, replenishing forests, and monitoring timber reserves, you can ensure a steady supply of logs for your burgeoning settlement.