Manor Lords: Obtaining Herbs for Healing

Learn how to acquire herbs to cure the sick villagers in Manor Lords and ensure the well-being of your town.
Manor Lords: Obtaining Herbs for Healing


  • Herbs play a vital role in healing sick villagers in Manor Lords.
  • Growing herbs within your settlement and trading with other towns are two ways to obtain herbs.
  • Offering a variety of foods like Berries, Meat, Bread, and Eggs can help prevent illnesses in your village.

Manor Lords offers a captivating city-building experience where you oversee the growth of a small settlement into a bustling town. As the Lord of the town, your role is crucial in ensuring its prosperity and well-being.

Amid the progress, challenges like diseases affecting your villagers may arise, impacting their productivity. Herbs serve as a remedy in such situations. These magical resources can swiftly restore health to the sick villagers, enabling them to resume their tasks promptly. If you're eager to secure herbs in Manor Lords, this guide will steer you in the right direction.

How to Heal Villagers in Manor Lords

In Manor Lords, diseases affect villagers who fall ill due to insufficient food. While rest can aid in recovery, administering Herbs expedites the healing process, allowing them to swiftly get back to work. Furthermore, maintaining a diverse food supply of Berries, Meat, Bread, and Eggs is crucial in averting illnesses and preserving overall health.

How to Obtain Herbs in Manor Lords

Acquiring Herbs in Manor Lords can be achieved through cultivation within your settlement or trade with neighboring towns. Here's how you can do it.

Cultivating Herbs

To cultivate herbs, construct a Forager's Hut using one piece of Timber. Once built, enhance it with a Herb Garden. Simply interact with the Forager's Hut and select "Add a Herb Garden" to upgrade. This enhancement necessitates 25 Regional Wealth and two Planks, ensuring you have the resources beforehand. Assign a family to the Herb Garden to start amassing herbs for treating illnesses.

Trading for Herbs

Another efficient method to acquire Herbs promptly in Manor Lords is by importing them from nearby villages. Follow these steps to trade for Herbs:

  • Access the Trading Post in your settlement and go to the Trade tab.
  • Locate the Crafting Materials section within the Trade tab.
  • Find Herbs in the Materials section and adjust the Trade rule to Import.
  • Click "Establish A Trade Route" to commence importing Herbs.