Mastering Food Production in Manor Lords

Learn about the top food choices to focus on in Manor Lords for a successful settlement.
Mastering Food Production in Manor Lords


  • Sustainably manage meat production to avoid overhunting and extinction, ensuring a stable food source.
  • Bread production involves a detailed process but guarantees a reliable food source for villagers.
  • Berries are easily gathered and replenish annually, offering a sustainable food option in Manor Lords.

Food plays a crucial role in Manor Lords, impacting the survival and well-being of villagers. To maintain a thriving settlement, players must carefully consider their food production strategy. Different types of food vary in efficiency and complexity to produce, influencing the overall success of the village.

Within the evolving world of Manor Lords, seven food varieties are available, each essential for sustenance and village prosperity. Optimal food choices are those that are not only abundant but also cost-effective in terms of resources and development points. Establishing a Granary to store food and setting up efficient distribution systems are also key aspects of managing food supplies.

1 Meat

A Sustainable Source of Nutrition with Proper Management

  • Hunted by specialized workers at Hunting Camps
  • Enhanced by rich wildlife deposits and specific development points

Ensuring the longevity of meat resources in Manor Lords requires a balanced approach to hunting to prevent depletion. By leveraging strategic development points and exploiting rich wildlife areas, players can secure a steady meat supply for their community.

Maximizing meat production involves techniques such as trapping for small game and advanced skinning for increased yield per hunt, offering sustainable solutions amidst resource constraints.

2 Bread

A Complex Yet Essential Food Source

  • Derived from wheat cultivation, milling, and baking processes
  • Optimized through field fertility improvements and technological advancements

Bread stands out as a staple food choice in Manor Lords, offering sustenance but demanding meticulous production steps. From cultivating wheat to baking in communal ovens, efficient bread-making hinges on resource management and technological upgrades.

Unlocking bakery extensions and enhancing production efficiency are vital for maintaining a consistent bread supply and catering to the settlement's needs.

3 Berries

An Easily Renewable and Abundant Food Resource

  • Gathered from local berry deposits by designated workers
  • Enhanced via rich berry sources and strategic development choices

Berries offer a straightforward and sustainable food option in Manor Lords, requiring minimal processing and offering consistent yields. By optimizing berry collection and leveraging forest management techniques, players can ensure a stable food supply for their settlement.

Strategic placement of forager huts and efficient resource management can significantly boost berry production, providing surplus for trade and community well-being.