Mastering Manor Lords: Strategies for the First Year

Surviving the initial challenges in Manor Lords requires strategic planning and resource management to establish a flourishing community.
Mastering Manor Lords: Strategies for the First Year


  • Diversify your oxen for efficient logistics
  • Ensure a stable food source through hunting and gathering
  • Manage timber resources wisely to support construction efforts

Embarking on the journey of Manor Lords can be daunting, especially in the crucial first year where limited resources and potential hazards test your strategic prowess. The game introduces intricate logistics systems, like oxen for transportation, adding layers of complexity to survival. But fear not, as there are proven strategies to navigate through the challenges and thrive in Manor Lords.

Expand Your Oxen Fleet (If Needed)

Initially, you're provided with a single ox for logistical tasks, a vital component in Manor Lords. However, to expedite operations, investing starting funds in acquiring an extra ox can significantly enhance efficiency. While optional, additional oxen prove beneficial in streamlining your settlement's functions.

Stabilize Food Production

Prioritize securing a reliable food source to sustain your settlers. Early on, opt for hunting and gathering as the simplest and most dependable method. Construct a Forager Hut and a Hunting Camp strategically to maximize food collection efficiency.

Strategic Timber Management

As timber resources dwindle, establish structures like the Logging Camp and Woodcutter's Camp to replenish supplies. Optimal placement near forests and creating efficient pathways within your settlement ensures effective wood production. Consider a Forester Lodge for long-term sustainability.

Resolving Homelessness Issues

Once basic needs are met, focus on constructing adequate housing like the Burgage Plot to enhance settler satisfaction. Allow space for future upgrades to boost productivity. Addressing housing shortages positively impacts resource generation.

Ensuring Vital Amenities

Prioritize water access and commercial areas post-housing stability. Installing wells and market stalls fulfills essential requirements for your community. Meeting these needs fosters population growth and overall prosperity in Manor Lords.

Pro Tips for Year One

  • Always keep an unassigned family for construction purposes, adapting as needed.
  • Monitor hunting activities to prevent herd depletion and promptly replace deceased oxen.
  • Stay flexible in job assignments to balance resource production efficiently.