Mastering Firewood in Manor Lords

Discover the key to keeping your industries thriving and your towns warm in Manor Lords through this essential guide on obtaining Firewood.
Mastering Firewood in Manor Lords


  • Learn the vital role Firewood plays in sustaining your town in Manor Lords.
  • Find out the simple steps to acquire Firewood efficiently in the game.
  • Ensure the continuous production and distribution of Firewood for your town's prosperity.

As a Lord in Manor Lords, securing essential resources for your town's prosperity is paramount. Among these resources, Firewood stands out as a key necessity for the smooth functioning of your town, especially during harsh winter months when its demand spikes. To ensure your town's survival and progress, maintaining a steady supply of Firewood is crucial. If you're seeking guidance on obtaining this vital resource in Manor Lords, look no further.

Acquiring Firewood in Manor Lords

Firewood serves as a primary source of warmth for your inhabitants and fuel for your industries in Manor Lords. To access Firewood in the game, simply erect a Woodcutter's Lodge. This building, located in the Gathering section of the construction menu, requires only one unit of Timber for construction. By assigning up to three families to work at the Woodcutter's Lodge, you initiate the production of Firewood.

To prevent resource depletion, consider establishing a Forester's Hut, which specializes in replanting trees in deforested areas, fostering the regrowth of your forest.

Once Firewood production commences in Manor Lords, it's essential to create storage facilities such as a Storehouse and a Marketplace, ensuring efficient distribution to meet the town's needs.