Manor Lords: Essential First Buildings for a Smooth Start

Strategically choosing the initial buildings in Manor Lords can greatly impact the early stages of the game.
Manor Lords: Essential First Buildings for a Smooth Start


  • Setting up storage for resources is crucial at the beginning.
  • Prioritize building a Granary to store food and ale.
  • Establish a Logging Camp early on to ensure a steady supply of timber.

As players embark on their journey in Manor Lords with a handful of settlers and basic resources, the decision of which buildings to prioritize can be overwhelming. While the immediate need may seem to be providing shelter by constructing houses, focusing on essential structures first can set a solid foundation for a successful village.

One crucial aspect is to establish storage facilities for the initial influx of resources to protect them from potential damage due to weather conditions. The key first buildings to construct in Manor Lords should revolve around gathering vital resources like timber and food. It is imperative to ensure all buildings are connected by roads to enhance operational efficiency.

6 Granary

Stores Food & Ale; Workers Distribute Goods

At the onset, it is vital to construct a Granary to safeguard the available food and ale resources. This building, especially essential in challenging weather conditions, can store up to 500 units of food or ale. By assigning workers to the Granary, the distribution of food resources becomes more organized, with workers later autonomously setting up stalls in the Marketplace for improved resource distribution.

5 Storehouse

Stores Non-Food Resources; Workers Distribute Goods

Equally significant is the Storehouse, where non-food resources such as timber are stored. To prevent damage from rain, immediate action should be taken to store all essential resources. Workers assigned to the Storehouse will continue to manage and store goods from various production structures, enhancing the overall efficiency of the village.

4 Logging Camp

Workers Chop Down Trees To Produce Timber

Initiating the supply chain, the Logging Camp plays a vital role in producing timber. Early establishment of this building is crucial to ensure a constant supply of timber, the primary construction material. Placing the Logging Camp near wooded areas and relocating it as needed will optimize timber production and storage.
