Mastering Resource Storage in Manor Lords

Learn the art of efficient resource storage in Manor Lords to avoid shortages and maximize your town's growth potential.
Mastering Resource Storage in Manor Lords


  • Building Granaries or Storehouses is essential for safeguarding resources in Manor Lords.
  • Granaries store food resources, while Storehouses manage non-food resources.
  • Construct these structures early on to ensure smooth resource management in the game.

Manor Lords whisks players away to 14th-century Franconia for an immersive city-building experience. As a Lord, your task is to oversee the growth of your town, which heavily relies on efficient resource management and storage.

Resources play a pivotal role in the success of your town in Manor Lords. Mismanaging them can lead to setbacks and hinder your town's progress. To help you navigate the intricacies of resource storage, here's a guide on how to securely store resources in Manor Lords.

Efficient Resource Storage Strategies

To safeguard your resources in Manor Lords, it's crucial to erect either a Granary or a Storehouse within your town. These structures act as strongholds for your resources, ensuring they are protected and readily accessible.

Constructing a Granary

The Granary is a vital hub for managing food supplies in your town. Building one early in the game requires 2 units of Timber and 10 units of Stone. Navigate to the Construction menu, locate the Logistics category, and select the Granary. Once constructed, this facility can store up to 500 units of food or Ale.

Setting Up a Storehouse

In Manor Lords, the Storehouse is indispensable for managing non-food resources efficiently. With just two units of Timber, you can establish this pivotal structure. Similar to building a Granary, access the Construction menu, choose the Storehouse from the Logistics category, and watch it come to life. Once operational, the Storehouse can accommodate up to 250 non-food items.