Mastering Weapon and Armor Crafting in Manor Lords

Learn the art of crafting weapons and armor in Manor Lords with this comprehensive guide.
Mastering Weapon and Armor Crafting in Manor Lords


  • Understanding the importance of a well-equipped army in Manor Lords
  • Key considerations before diving into weapon and armor crafting
  • Efficient ways to craft weapons and armor for your militia

Taking charge of a medieval village in Manor Lords involves more than just managing resources and economy. Lords must also be prepared to protect their lands from threats by training a strong militia. Equipping soldiers with top-notch weapons and armor is crucial for winning battles. To help you navigate the intricacies of crafting in Manor Lords, follow this guide.

Essential Factors to Consider Before Crafting Weapons & Armor

In Manor Lords, weapons and armor are crafted by specialized citizens functioning as armorers and blacksmiths. Before delving into crafting, consider the following crucial aspects:

  • Ensure the village has a population of at least 40 male citizens to form the militia.
  • Upgrade four burgage plots to level 2.
  • Establish an iron mine and unlock essential industrial and armormaking skills.
  • Set up workshops like Blacksmith's, Armorer’s, Fletcher’s, and Joiner’s to craft various arms and armor.

Creating Weapons in Manor Lords

Weapon crafting in Manor Lords requires a steady supply of planks and iron slabs. These resources are processed in sawpits and bloomeries, respectively. The workshops responsible for crafting weapons include:

  • Blacksmith’s Workshop: Crafting swords, spears, and more.
  • Fletcher’s Workshop: Creating bows and arrows.
  • Joiner’s Workshop: Producing shields and wooden parts.

Forging Armor in Manor Lords

To craft armor, invest in Basic Armormaking and progress to Advanced and Master levels for superior armor types. Armors not only enhance defense but can also be exported for wealth generation. Consider expanding your crafting capabilities by adding a Cobbler’s workshop for producing boots. Remember, balancing resource gathering with production is key to success in crafting weapons and armor in Manor Lords.

If you find your workshops overproducing, use the pause feature to manage production efficiently. Simply click on the workshop, locate the pause button in the context menu, and halt production until you're ready to resume.